Friday, November 02, 2007

warm fuzzies and two pink dicks

you know what i've decided. that we as a group are really caring... like i know be talk about each other and are mean sometimes.. but we don;t really mean it. take the party last night, thank you james you are awesome btw, there where lots of little spills and hick ups and way to drunkenness, but evryhting is all good. becuase no matter how fucked up we are we are still looking out for each other. we help each other to the bath room when they are sick, and come and check up, we help clean up spills and any unfortunate events. and just look out after each other. last night was a spilly night. i think every one would agree. any like every time it happened like three people would rush to find tissue or paper towle.

i dunno about everyone else but i had a really good time last night. here are some things that i remember
- ditching the girls meeting then having a stomp session to combat the one downstairs with eryn and maddy.
- cock fighting with tom heheh
- dancing to no music with crowded
- becky and alex
- sitting on the stairs with Karly and alex
- attacking rick with a dildo
-wandering in circles around james main floor, floating an visiting
there are more but they do not currently come to mind.
but anyways see you all tonight, i'm off
lovelove love

1 comment:

Let Go said...

I agree. We totally love eachother. I think that's one of the reasons we can be evil to eachother sometimes... cuz we know that we all love one another no matter what horrible things we do HAHA.