Sunday, October 22, 2006

trip to vic

so friday after james and kyle got off work we started out on our journey. out first stop was the liquior store. kyle baught some beer, i baught rum. then we where off. kyle started drinking uon the way up and after about 4 beer's kyle really really has to pee. so we find a gas station to pull over at ( which we find out later that we where minuts away from out destination) kyle runs in ... no luck no bathroom. so james and i , sitting in the car, see him run past .. hop a fence and go a little ways to a tree... it was like some park in some seniors viliage. ah the memmories..

so we make it to joshes house, unfortunatly neither joch or caitlin where there. so we went to get food and pop and chips... and search for josh at thrifties where he works however we did not suceed. went back to the house. josh came home shorty after and then we went and watch caitlin very exciting volly ball game.... 8couhgcough* .. exciting..

after that, thankfull it was over soon aftwe we got there. we all piled into james car... me james kyle josh caitlin and serina( joshes sister)... there wan;t enough room so kyle sat in the back...
then .. to the liquor store again! mmm booze..
got back home and played a huge game of fuck you.. got really drunk.. stayed up til llike 2 ish.. then got up at 7 30 the next day to drive home.

left kyle behind cuz he was going to take the bus, and james drove me home. picked u omy car and went to the build.

came home tried to read , fell asleep. kylan came and braught me chicken wings and more sleep.. i am up an dand there is work...

the end

Friday, October 20, 2006


so i just waiting for james to phone me so we can head out to vic to visit josh.. dudud i hate waiting. i finished by book. What i am to do!... blog.
there isn;t alot that 's been up. yesterday i was all blah becuase i was planning to go to vic and stay till saturday night or sunday morning.. how ever mike was like" well you shoukld REally be there on saturday".. and *sigh* i just got all dissapointed. Very sad lisa. i still dop get to go but only visit for a while tonight. josh works until 7. and i have to be back in nanaimo at like 9 30.. i mihgt be there by ten,

stupid designer. useless thats all i can say. she wasn;t even going to come this weekend.. *shakes head*grrrr* sooo tomorrow will be along day for lisa.. doing painting stuff and some light stuff with mike. o well o well.

work the next day.... Design run on monday that should be neat

so kylan comes over after rehearsal yesterday and he is all stressed out becuase apparently people don;t knwo their lines yet. and no one was learning then when they where not on stage... Boo earns to those people( i'm not saying it's everyone). just over a weekand a half till show opening! take it seriously people, the crew is doing lots to make you guys look good on stage. just remember that.

well now that i have made all the actors angry at me, i shall change the subject

went shopping yesterday . baught soem new shoes, some more mugs fro the green room> some, well all , oh which i think are very fun.

well thats all. see everyone tomorow at the build.. which is basicaly alot of painting now.

Monday, October 16, 2006

new post ... the last one was quite depressing

i'd like to stay away from that if at all possible. last littler while...
saturday- went to the build but was useless due to head huritng ness. weent and baught a book and read it until, spencer came over and we watched natural born killers and mean girls*( what a combo, thats waht happens when i have free choice) and i finished my aryt project. which i love love love... i am getting it framed.

Sunday - worked all day. i got stuck on cash which i hate however it was not realy bad becuase i was kinda training some one and i got her to go on till when it was slow.. and i got to work with patrick, he is the most fun manager to work with. then later on kylan braught me chicken wings made with love and honey garlic.. i mmm yummy.. inhaled them.

monday .. eww early art class. we did life drawing today .wich meant that we had a modle in today. and older women abround 40 somting probably. it was nice. i quite enjoyed it. i did a pretty good forshortened drawing to. and soem others

then ... then then then... our play went up..umm the theatre didnt burn down and no one threw tomatos. yes succes.. but seriously.. no one seriously fucked up and they all had costumes. and there was wonderful tech which is all i could hope for.
then thea his and acting.. i was dis interested today

went to spencers we went and baught soem movies watched... and i am now home going to go and possibly finish my book that i baught saturday.. it;s so gooood

i think that i remember that i have a stage craft mid term tomorrow. but i am very much not worried * shrug*

dududu.. do you ever feel special when you can type decently while not looking at the key board? i am doing it right now and am very proud of myself. are you proud of me to? jheheh e
aside from my horrible spelling... i;m iliterate didn;t you know that. leon just found out today...
never mind hahaha

ummm this week this week.. most likely starting painting the set. going to decorate masks. hopefully.. and and and it was tenativly planed that james and i would go and visit josh in victoria. i wanna see him in his place down there. that kid does to much and maybe i can help him relax a bit or something.... that and i miss him a bunch . that crazy kid* heart*

well i guess thats all i got . until further notice....

Friday, October 13, 2006

the worst day ever.. well maybe

yes that was today ...

first let me start with the events of wednesday night.. we all went to the gay bar and someone thought it would be kewl to break into my car..
lisa's car minus a passenger side window.

moving on today. for the past few days i have been sick and the trend continues. my first errand of the day to go and pick my pay check up from work... and of course i find that i am unable to get it beause it is locked up and the manager on duty does not have keys.. come back at 3 she says.
at the same time in the store i get a really weird pain in my neck. dunno wtf it was. however it lasted until i reached the school then it just turned into a head ache.
next i went to the back to deposit my pst. i go through the drive through.. negative the macine will not take my card.. i go inside to the atm and when it print out my recipit, it says that my updated amoun is unavaliab;e.. shigh...
so far these things have just been a pain in the ass.. i continue on my way to the school where i intent to finish my art project... however right after i leave the complex i run a red light.( first time that i have ever done that) it was the new light they put on hammond bay. i didnt ever see it till i was through... oops

so i make it to the school.. my neck pain has now turned into a headache.. i make some spaghetti.
take it and my apple juice into the theatre to get a peak of the rehearsal...
what do i do as sooon as i sit down, throw my spaghetti on the floor( i'm sorry for my bad spelling of a much loved pasta) so i pick that up.. an just give up and sit down...
rehursal ends... Oh shit... of course since my car has no window i am using an alturnative. well i forgot to put my parking pass in it.. Guess who gets a ticket!

15 dollars later, i mean it;s not that bad.. but waht a day ...
i was sitting talking with leon telling him the events of my day up just before the ticket( taht happens after) and he;s like well you knwo what day it is...
friday the 13th... i'm not superstitiouse... mayhaps i'm being taught a lession.

anyways.. isupose it was really just the morning that was a real mess.. other than me having a horrible time finding a new pair of jeans. kylan michelle and gregoire cae shopping with me.. along out travels we saw. alleah and geoff, JC, jo the firstie and tasia the firstiee... i think there where soem more lesser known people.

the highlight og my day was buying meghan a present because i know that she will love it. i cannot wait to give it to her. there will be much joy.

other than that it took me far to long to pick out movies today. building tomorrow will be good if i feel better and i still have yet to finish my art project. it will look good .

good night

Sunday, October 08, 2006

i found this the other day when i was bored. i did it like a year and a 1/2 ago or something. it was a computer quizie thing. i think it still describes me today.

you are a WECF--Wacky Emotional Constructive Follower. This makes you a Candle burning at both ends.

You work until you drop, and you play until you can stand to work again. You have so much enthusiasm that you can find it hard to control on your own, and you appreciate the guidance that channels your energy and lets you be your best.

In a relationship, you require lots of attention and support. You often over-contribute and end up feeling depleted and cheated. You may benefit from more time alone than you grant yourself.

Your driving force is the emotional support of others--especially affection. You can run on empty for miles if you have positive energy behind you. Without it--as it occasionally must run dry--you are depressive, listless, and difficult to motivate.

You need a lot of affection. Get it any way you can, but never at the cost of your self-respect or well-being.

so you see? creepy eh..
augh i do not want to work to day, i have to get ready very very soon.
last night having dinner with everyone was fun. dinner tonight.. dinner tomorrow.
i cannot wait to get work over with today. i really really don;t wanna work for 8 hours.

fare well

Friday, October 06, 2006

negative title... oh the contradiction

so today started out fine. went to the school with kylan hung around fixed the rest of the parcans. watched miked set some focus points for the IQ's. kidded so creepy guys out of the green room.
went shopping baught some awesome new shirts. went and saw spencer. went to timmy's and for a drive. visited matt for a bit. now i have a head ache and am tired
i've been tired lots lately... i find that being bored and doing nothign does that to me. and it;s just a cycle becuase i've been sleeping which makes me more sleepy, much less intersting and very much less enthusiastic to do things.. hopefully the build tomrorow with cheery me up. and dinner with people.
i guess i have stuff to look forward to , but i just don;t have the energy to care really. which to me is sad and depressing. i hate being that way. cuz it really isn;t me.

will someone fix me? snap me out of it if you can. i would be very greatful. 3 days of unhappy is not good for lisa.
i guess on a brighter note i really like this shirt i baught... it;s a very nice. anyways.. till i do this again

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

i"m lost

(btw this is a "lisa letting it out" so if you even read my blog feel free to skip it)

right now i am soo lost i dunno what to do. litterally i have nothign to do, but i cannot do nothing. i tired to draw but i cannot i have to much force working insode my body... do you ever feel that?
feel like at any moment you could rip your chest open just so you don;t have to feel that anymore.
crush whatever is making you like that. i'm in one of those places where you have nothign to look forward to but a row of lonley nights. i guess it matches what i am.. i shouldn't be, but i am. sometimes it goes away, but it always comes back.
if you don;t want to see me don;t make up excuses. just tell me it hurts less.
i've decided that there is somethign wrong with me. It always ends up the same. i'm not getting waht i need so i end up miserable. am i asking to much, do i just have high standars for happyness??? what the fuck is it cuz i sure don;t know. i fell like a mother looking after and cleaning up after children. what pisses me off the most is that i've been here exaclty before. I hear the words you are saying, and there are many. but where is my proof. i dont ask for alot, hardly anthign but i want proof , i want to see but most of all i want to feel. I want to feel. cuz sometimes i don;t belive what i hear.
why do people stop figthing for what they want? Do you just get it and it;s yours? not in these cases. why does history have to repeat it;s self. WHY. i'm tearing my hair , trying to get rid of that feeling, trying to figure why i end up where i started. this is notwaht i wanted at first,i did it for you, all for you cuz i thought you would be as wonderful now as then. if only i trusted myself it isnt; in me rightnow. Why did you stop fighting. you got the prize so whats the point...
i dunno what to do so i will go on, and we will see if i survive. right now it's like i;m falling apart. i dunno how else to say it. i'm not trying to splay my troubles out to the world, i just need to get the ccrap thats in my head out. maybe the pounding, and twisting in my chest will stop. maybe i can focas. figure out what needs to be. something to make you want me again. not want me ... but give me waht i diserve... what i feel i diserve or throw me away cuz i am trouble. just something
like i said... i am lost. terribley dramatic i know but everyone deserves a low point now and then and i am in mine. i will waste tonigth, tomorrow, and the next day. cuz i just don;t have what it takes for anythign. and i doubt that you will come running.

" beneith the stains of time the feelings dissapear, you are someone eles, i am still right here"

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

me thinks it is time

FOR AN UPDATE>> yay update... woooo.. woo.. ho.. yea....

today was an all around ok day.. some parts where better than others however none excellent or horrible.. did some work op stuff, worked on theatre history... *sigh* gentle frusterations... things do not have to be as complicated as people make them. i think there are some really fun things in it. i think geoff has some nice moments as the evil dude. my set shall come together and it will go up and yea. i shall give my direction then the actors, hopefully takeing what i have said into account will do the rest of the work. becuase i am tired of it. moving on

i had spaghetti for dinner it was very good becuase i was very hungry. now i plan to read the nez books i baught. mayhaps have a bath cua they are nice

TOMORROW.. we get to watch the firsties movement pieces, yay ..
friday i mioght have some of the girls over after reahearsals for a bit of a night...
and monday my mom said icould make a turkey! mmmmm turkey .. mght have afew people over... or somethign

the past little while.did afew things
- theatre one bite of nanaimo
- last market
- the song party was fun funfun for the most part anyways.. everyone check out the picture
umm yea.. thats all i got i guess.. things are going pretty alright.
btw i am excited to start the set.. there is going to be lots of scenic painting