Sunday, January 30, 2005

8 days holly crap

seems like forever since i have posed my simple little htought on this web page. here is the deal.. i am addicted to this site called deviant art.. if you wanna see my galary go... here
so yea semester one is over except for the 1 provincal i have tomorrowmornign in english.. whish i better do well on ... despite what my mother wants i will not get a B in english 2nd term i might even get a C donest that suck !!! it scares me how she is gonna react .. i don;t even know hoe it got that love *cry's*
i think i will talk to my dad first he can calm her down. and if i don;t do good on my provincial i dunno if i will be able to get into the course i want ... i don;t remember the requitement ... perhaps i will check that now... ummm yea i dunno company is going good ... gah i don;t wanan write anymore i have freaked myself out with my mark... good day

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Ode ...

soo i have to write this ode for english and iwas like hey i have some spare time..( by the way i am atjenn 2's house waiting for people to show up.. jenn dissapeared to go get people) but then i am all like lost on what to write. so what is one to do... anyways i will fill the worls in on my day.. so iworedk for 4 hours... then when i got home i wanted to go to electric lettice... so cassy came with me.. there isn;t anything good there if you where wondering.( thought* this keyboard is rather loud.. thought it makes it fun to type on.) then scince my shopping impulse was not satisfided we went to walk aroudnb the mall ..harbourpark .. it;s all crazy and different looking, ahah there is this really big food court but only like 3 places to get food :P haha , anyways there was this crazy store and it has soem sweet clothes..i baught a shirt.. cassy says that i have to wear it on monday.. i can deal with that ... i have to find out wheniwork next week.. random thgouth.. anyways whenwe got back i had amassive turkey dinner. for some reason we had a turkey and my dad made it for dinner. .. why doesn;t really matter.,. allthat matters is that i get turkey snadwiches for like a week. anyways, jenn asked me to chill at her house with people.. there is poker at joshes house... colman wants me go to his house. jake wants me to go skatting and ace wanted to go for coffee,.. i just can't please everyone.... AMY and DAN and ASHELY just showed up... nifty. anyways i will end this here.. tomorrow i will tell of the adventures of the night... until then .....

i'm not in love

what up what up.. it is way to early to be uwake on a saturday morning... stupif working .. its only 4 hours to *shaking fist*just a little recap on yesterday .. um ashley stayed the night ..t he night before ce we were workingon the "Loosly conected" and so in D block we just kinda vedged oh oh oh but wait .. going back to thursday night hehe that was uber fun and then me , ash , shane, will donnie, nick and kyle went out for ice cream to DQ nick ordered 2 baskets of onion rings eeps jsut for himselkf.. i though thtat was intesnse. umm yea,.,, oh yea " healthy snakes" right ash
k so back to yesterday . nothing was really up at all ..we went to the mall and will and shane were there so we all went shopping. baught 3 new shirts and mechanical animals. finally , no onehad it for the longest time. umm after school was complany we didn't get much decided aha i enjoyeds some of the skits we made though ... like mine ace and laura's Ace- " bring ham" haha oh but spencer kept calling me a poser* tear* and afterwards there was just a little group discussion about scitso frinis ( i dunno how to spell it) or like multipe personality disorder and that seemed to be going somewhere yea then ace hung out while i set stuff up .. and then at like 5 me ace and shane went to moxies to get soem muchies.. yea chicken strips... then back to the show. everythign went good, wanted to do somethign crazxy after but we ended up doin quite the oposite... it is explained in my previouse blog more and more i am getting this feeling that i wanna break out. i feel everythign is come so routine.. and i know that life is gona be fully of routine times but i just wanna escape for alittle bit ... perhaps things will be different when the nest sememster starts. aught work soonn better end this so i can get dressed. and out.

" i'm not in love, but i'm gonna fuck ya, till someone better comes along"

Friday, January 21, 2005

stage manager yea

so tonight was the last of two night where i helped out with the grade 11 /12's , year end show,, nifty eh and mr A says that i can put me as stage manager down in my protfolio... i seems nifty to me. any who after that tasha nicole and i got soem coffee at the bucks.... and proceeded to laura's played som duck hunt... tryed to make a fire and now we are cooking bacon... i much so help laura... so this is the end... my only friend the end... so perhaps i will add later...

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

walking in between the rain drops

have you ever noticed that when it is raining that sometimes there are really big droplets and its like... it's like you can walk and not have them drop on you... obviously that isn;t really true.. but just the feeling of haveing them not even touch you even though you are in the middle of the rain .. i think it's amazing .. ahaha dunno if anyone eles knows what i am tlaking bout ...

.. so in general we all liketo help each other... spareing afew bucks so your freinds can get lunch,. giving a ride..stepping ito a part when someone is suick( which you should never do unless you knwo what the script it... *cough*) but what do you do when there isn;t anythign eles... your at the end of your rope.. your sholders in use and your running out of comforting words.. and all you wanna do is make the world better for the person. do you just have to sit back and watch them suffer can go thought the tribulations of life by their side... but is it enough.... i dunno exactly where i am going with this.. but i just wish that i could do more for those i care about... it's all very simply and difficult at the same time ...

Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
Its like a throbbing tooth ache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight and everything will be alright
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
So give me Novacaine

Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling, that’s alright
Jimmy says it's better than here,
I’ll tell you why

Drain the pressure from the swelling,
The sensations overwhelming,
Give me a kiss long goodnight and everything will be alright,
Tell me that I won't feel a thing,
So give me Novacaine

In The End Everything We Do... Is Just Everything We've

Monday, January 17, 2005

bellybutton oranges

i have just returned home from work and there is a delightful box of navel oranges on teh the kitchen floor ( get it navel .. bely button ) anyways i go go at one... peel.. peel peel ,. .. with the peel they look quite impressive.. but once it come off the oranges really isn;t hat big . So here i am munch munch munching and i have decided that oranges taste the best when someone eles peels them.... now you might be thinking .. but lisa it;s rewarding doing it for your self... yes.. but it tastes better when someone eles does it. example my dad soemtimes had oranges and i steal pieces and they are super good but when i decied i want one they just don;t add up anyways today was ok ,, i felt so super at school today i duno.. i think it is cuz of my hair... i like it.. i dunno ummmmm nothin super happened oh after schoolwas the first complay meeting/rehearsal dealyo.. it;s spiffy mr a asked me to me the technialc designer.. or ??? production designer... i dunno some kind of designer.. i think i make things look good. hahaha i guess i'll figure that out... anyways we did some team building stuff and then tryed to narrow down the toic that the play is gonna del with... no topic yet.. next rehearsal friday .. by the way friday is pizza day for me at work... don;t let me forget cuz i will cry :( ewww today at work this creepy guys was chekcin me out ,,., ew eweweweww itwas sooo yucky .. old creepy guys arecreepy ... it as pretty dead though so that was kewl . ummm omg second semester is almost here. eep sooo excited 2!! art classes .. plus acting . it is gonns be sweet ! woot woot ... hmmm friday i am suposed to hang out with coleman but tasha is goins to soem thign and i kidan wanna do that.. so i dunno what i am gonna do ..:heheheh ace forgot his cinnimon toast crunch here ... i am gonna eat it... well not all of it .. anywho i think i am gonna go to bed.. lisa needs her beauty sleep. hahaha lots of it *wink* heheh check ya later byeeee
p.s. hahaha oh yeah for anyone who is interested.. i can hook whoever up with an 8 x 10 signed print of any of my paintins for the low low price of 10$ .. remember its signerd ;) hahaha . i just thought of it and i think it;s a prettly good idea hehehe

Sunday, January 16, 2005

more snow oh dear

at tidy's at the moment,, soem of us got together to celebrate his bithday ... times were going good.. then got bored andwanted food so i got will and amy and dan to mish with me to little ceasars and then tim hortons. it was a great fun time but it was very cold. very very cold. amy is a hobbit and dan tryed to give me a face wash but was unsuccesful... the pizza took a while but it was ok cuz amy and i went to 7-11 and got candy and pringles. one the way back after timmies amy and will slid lots. then when we were most of the way home i discovered that i had a hood.. SWEET hahaha. oh yea earlier today before work i baught a new pair of pants for 12 $ and this sweater thingy for 11 $ .. there is lots on for clearence which is sweet hahaha ... cuz i like clothes and i need more.. tomorrow i have to di my stagecraft project.. laura is gonna sleep over to night so i dunno when i will get around to it. ududud we are just chillen listing to some clapton... i'm kinda sleepy... perhaps i will steal laura and go back to my place.. wink wink .. she is a little up and down at the moment ,and i wanna cheer her up.. perhaps i will dance for her ahaahaha yea right like that would work hahah .. well maybe she would laught... tonightn would have been funner if here were more people or i went sleding or i had more alcohol hehehe *tear* one does not even give me a buzz,

" what will you do when you get lonley , no one waiting by your side, you;ve been running hiding much to long... layla ,, you've got me ne my need, beggin darling please .. ...
darlign won;t you easy my worried mind. " woot woot
o well thats about it till the next time i blog...

Thursday, January 13, 2005

captains log star date 39 1/2

ello ello ello , what a wonderful morning.. i got up before i had to of course i got to sleep a little later than usual but whatever. i feel chipper and less tired .haha lets see how long this last's... last night i did not have to work abd i have the whole night to do whatever i likd and i did nothign ... no painting .. nothign .. though ti did kinda plan soemthign but we wil see how that works out . anywho nothing.. i had no energy. i went to bed at 10 .. thats very early for me. also to add to the chipperness i have my car again .. i can drive it to school so i donlt have to walk in the bloody cold. hmm what eles is fun.tea is good though i burnt my tounge... i have 2 fridays off in a row! that exceites me . less fun is the fact that i am at work at the time of mr.A's company audition
OH i wanna get a really bright red and put highlights in my hair.. it;s alwaus kidan red but i want some super highlights... i dunno how well it would work becuase my hair dark... but i'd like to find out.. hmm i love my new eye liner that doesn't come off in 2 seconds.. woot woot . i don;t know what i want to wear tosay but i have like half and hour to decide.. exciting. hmm nicole keeps telling me how horribley crappy chemestry is.. i'm kinda scrared and less wanting to take it ... i'm going into backl stage stuff why do i need chem? i was wondering how those self directed courses go... like mel has her choir thing.... i wonder if i would set one up. laura gave me this super idea to hold an art show... like set up a galery in the mulit purpose room .. wouldn;t that be kewl .. maybe i could set up some thing like that or hmmm somethign ,... likei don;t think one show woulb be enough ... but what couldi add to it... personally i don;t really seem me getting out of chem to do thaty .. my rents would not be pleased but painting is my perhaps they'd coem around..... oh so what got me all hyped up about his at the moment. is mr A gave ash and I this submission form to get into this art exibition dealyo .. i was uber excited .. and still am but i not do not know what to paint.. the theme is dreams and nightmares and the subconshiouse which is sooo right up my ally... thats what i paitn... but im having difficulties thinign of some thign super... thats the problem i guess .. is houldn;t be thinking of it . it will come to me .... hmm perhaps i shall go and get dressed now...

p.s. hey if anyone has any , comments or ideas about the mini gallery idea , or art show... let me know.. perhaps i could put soemthign together after all

Monday, January 10, 2005

why am i so tired ...

monday today .. hat to go back to silly school... it wasn;t that bad excplt we were gonna have to do our debates in french class and i was a horrible person and wasn;t prepared , laura i apologize.. i'm a lazy person and i should have been more responisble. working back wards before lunch was stagecraft with pizza.. yeh right on... augh i woke up this morning and my triceps were very sore.. i am guessing this is from sledding... oh how the pain is worth it. i hope it snows some more.. i wouldn't mind another snow day haha. though it would probably be bad cuz we would fall way behind in class. i have to prepair for an englsh essay ... and i am not quite sure how... there are soo many thoughts that are cluttering my mind. it;s weird i have all these thoughts and feelings that i hate and don;t like but i am able to understand them rationally so i know what is going on and it kinda annoys me... then there is my second guessing when it comes ( mostly) to matters with other people..... brrrrr it;s vert cold in my comp room .. yay legwarmers...i feel very tired alot of the time, i have little ambition to get things done,..

i'm all wabbly, tilting.. teatering ready to take to fall
collaps to the floor and lean agaist the wall
slide into my mind , pick out my poison thoughts...
these tainted memories that keep sleep from me
and make my white eyes shot

unleash me from my madness
i want to feel loved again
please wash away my sadness
let me love again
take it all away
before I, don;t let me fade away

Who is that strangers looking out at me
looking out beyond borders of ... simple sanity
does she see what i see?
why can't i recognnize this person ... me

unleash me from my madness
i want to feel loved again
please wash away my sadness
let me love again
take it all away
before I, don't let me fade away

let me love again
take it all away
before I, don't let me fade away
fading away falling away ...
fading away falling away..
don't let me fade away

Sunday, January 09, 2005

what am i left with

trapped in a glass sphere
floating on a sea of disbelief
the waters around lap against my container
laughting, mocking at the comunity that they share
at what i do not posses,
the sphere , containrer .. prison ,. it is my own head

where am i to start?where am i to end
i am waiting for the future to arive and take me away from ...
whatever i am left with

is there no one to save me from myself
The past few days have been event full and most exciting . friday with the lack of school and abundance of snow.. then slackidness of work.. saturday at work with the power going out .. getiing payed to sit around, and later that night ,, the girls came over ( laura nicole mel, tasha) movies sledding at like midnight with the boys( james nolan dylan) that was good fun cold but fun... so what if i'm a littlle bruised up hahah *sigh* then more movies and some chat... not much since my lifa has been quite uneventlfu latley and those events that have occured upset and confusesme .. these are not worht mentioning. to day we got up and made some pitia pizza's they were good. people left ... i watched troy.. tryed to do homework, accomplished some then gave up.... been sitting doing nothign ... what a way to end the weekend

Friday, January 07, 2005

too much for myslef to handle

same day 400 o clock now... very tired... but it has been a busy day. after doing nothign for many hours i had a mish over to laura's house were her nicoel an i proceeded to sled down a path by her house .. then we went to rutherford school and that was fun haha. we came up with many interseing " techniques" for sledding.. including. have all three of us on one snowboard type thing then haveing laura and i each on a snowboard thing with nicole sretched overtop of both of us holding us together ... good times... then we returned home and made hot chocolate. woot woot and watched " three to tango" hehehe it's funny. now i am doing more waisting time before work!!! yay actually maybe i can have a nap.... oh yes it is sil snowing ... crazy and kinda dissapointing.. as now i cannot go and play poker with josh and people... at least i won;t loose my money ... but were will the fun be???? i must go weat dinner... do day to you...
p.s. nicole.. you forgot your watch... i am holding it for ransom..muahahahahah

I'm wide awake the more I sleep

the time .. 5:25.. i have been awake scince 3:30 and woke once an hour before that... total sleep maybe 3 hours... why i cannot sleep i do not know... but i woke up to get a drink... twice i guess .. have not been able to sleep since i pray that there is no school today becuase i do not belive that i would be able to function.. though i would be able to show lind my painting , get my drawing from mrs haaf, and ask about creating a resume type dealyo to send to B2B to possibly get som work experience.. haha wouldn't that be swell.... oh god ya see that .. i must be tired i used the adgective swell.BUt any who what t to write this early in themoring, haha nothign much has happened ... i did make juice in the dark... although i supose that it wasn;t entirely dark... the snow iluminated everythign quite nicly... actaulyl the first time i woke and looked out of my front room window, i was moved and wanted a picuter but sadly my camera is shit y taking picuteres of snow in the dark.... so imust be commited for memory... gah ... i thoguh that perhaps i would paint it gah , i am sorry for all of you that have to endure my ramblings about painting but it is indeed one of my greatest passions... funnly enough i never did it much intil after a certain relationship was ended... ahaha boyfriends must take up too much time . who needs them... well .. gah << that is sooo my sound for the week. hahaha just thismorning i realized how much i like me cat... she has so much character,.. last night we played tag.. it's very cute... she will chase me then i will turn around reallty quick on her and she will get scared and her tail gets all puffy. theni chase her.. and the game progresses.. but as i was saying before,. this morning i came down stairs and sat in the front room .. jsut to look at the snow. and i hear this little jingle... it is my kitten ( she has a bell on her collar) she comes and sits with me .. i pet her she ( she does this most tof thetime) she will lick your had to show her apriciation as well as purr( i'm sure most cats will mostlys do this) .. then she got up and jumped to the window cill( i dunno if thats how you spell it ... it kinda looks funny .) and she scratched her cheeks on this glass thing that my mom had sitting there,so smart... i dunno it is silly but iwas also cute how she was sittingon the cill, looking out at the snow and jsut purring..... but that is enough about a crazy lady talking about her cat... hahaha . hmm oh here i go again.... last night i made the kewlest painting ... it is my had in the mirror and it;s refectuion ... almost every one of the colors alone discust me compleatly.. they are like gros grens and yellowy and black ish.. but when they are put together,. it makes a beautful contrast of light and shadow... and contrast of colors.... wonderful.. i aslo finished this crazy writter painting.. with a black backl ground and very bright un,ixed colorin on top of it.... and haha my rendition on the van goha 's " starry night" as a birthday gift for jen ,,.. thanks to ashley on the help of what i should paint... haha your a keeper* wink * i really don;t know what i mean by that .. but i luv ya , hehehe
you know what i hate.. i will alwyas think of the kewlest things... but forget to write them down .. and then they are gone dissapeared into the vacume of my mind forever... it's funny. when i was making juice this mornng. ym mind was all like phylosophocal kida.. like you know how when yo think in your head it;s liek you are talking to yourself without saying any words.. well the voice in my head was sounding very dramatic and poetic and sophicticated.... all while i was making juice... haha
O nicole.. remember that sometime we have to watch three to tango.. perhaps i will bring it to school one day and we can watch it in our spare je ne sais pas.. i really hope it is a snow day today i am soo fucken tired... but the hitch is i am too tired to sleep figure out how that works... just like when you are sick or w/e and you havent eaten but you arn;t hungry at all beauce you haven;t eaten ... garh( hmm thats new) i have blabed on enough .... i will find something eles to occupy my time , until i find whats shaken today ..... good morning to you all ,.
p.s. work tonighty should be sweet .. no one is gonna be there.
there's not much left to love
tootired today to hate
I feel the empty
I feel the minute of decay
I'm on my way down now, I'd like to take you with me
I'm on my way down
I'm on my way down now, I'd like to take you with me
I'm on my way down
the minute that it's born
it begins to die
I'd love to just give in,
I'd love to live this lie
I've been to black and back
I've whited out my name
a lack of pain, a lack of hope,
a lack of anything to say
there is no cure for what is killing me
I'm on my way down
I've looked ahead and saw a
world that's dead
I guess that I am too

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

don't fret precious i'm here

today at school was fine... i might have slept through most of first block....*shifty eyes* then other classes where easy, in my spare nicole and i went to the bucks and sipped some super stuff.... yea aliteration ... oh and watched queen of the damned that was fun , even thought it displeases me somewhat ... vampiers are still vampires.. which is up there in my books. apres l'ecole, j'alle chaque ma maison ... and was inspired to paint... so i started on one of my big canvases.. so far i am enjoying it... a bit stuck on the backl ground but i don;t have to work tomorrow so i can paint, woot woot ummm work was ok not too busy ... eww i had to be the greeter fior and hour!!! yuck . hmm oh and we had this clean sweap thing where we all got duster things and whoever 's was the dirtiest won a prize. i got 3rd and won a fancy note pad thing. back home now eating quick cerial and muse ing... umm gah ok there is this thing at work called items per hour .. and whenever i have the highest they never have the meeting notes so they don't mention it at the meeting *tear* i knwo its not a big deal , but it is nice to have a liitle recognition . sigh . hmmm what to put in the back gorund of this painting. i wonder if a black and white effectwoulr work mmm it would definatly contrast the color gah .. tomorrow. i've always wanted to have some of my art in display in a galary... i wonder if i could hook that up........ hmm lisa is sleepy .. merry christmas to all and to all a good night ...
" you look so precious now "

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

a bit of deep thought

so it is my spare block.... first day back at school and nicole, ashkley and i jut finished a pack of popcorn chicken, then ash and nicole went to get a knife.... but yea hmmmm i had this thought that was all like... " i'm an epifany" which is like the most obviouse thing in the world. so here it goes.. life is meaningless. hahaha but we give it meaning by giving value to things like love and friendsship HAHAHAHA intereupting tought hahaha who cares about the meanings of life... so donni ash nicole and i somehow started talking about pregnancy then somehow .. i think donni.. said it would be weird if you gave birth to mice... then mr fyling said it would we weird if you gave birth to tiny kangergoos . hahahaha there was much laughting involved. anyways i have soo lost what i was talking about... my epiphany IT'S GONE . o well the thought of giving birth to tiny kamgaroos will live with me forever........

Monday, January 03, 2005

woot woot

haha so i was in the tub... and it dawned on me that in like possibly less than a month ball is going to be starting up.. that is sooooo exciting! ahah i've come up with some weird thoughts while taking a bath .. aha not too long ago i thought of the sweetest painting, but i don't think i am that good at painting to do it justice.. so it must wait haha. gauh back to school tomorow.. WOW somehow i just got the biggest craving for sweet and sour pork ... mmmmmy house coat is soo fuzzy.... random .... oh dear have to get up at 745 ish... i best be giong to bed... hmm perhaps a snack first..........
"So crucify the ego before it's far too late
To leave behind this place so negative and blind and cynical..........
Capable of all that's imagined and all conceivable

last glimps of freedom

I still cannot belive that it has gone by soooo fast!!, i have to go to school tomorrow, it's unfortunate. i waisted soo much time ... there was so much i could have done. o well. ahaha so when i started this i has something to write but now i don't remember ...... umm of yea , hahaha i had the wreirdest dream. we were doing some play a shakespear.. and i was covering somone's part... but then when it was show night i forgot all my lines and evern what my whole speach think was about , haha so brianna drove to my locker and got a script fr me ,, but it was no use cus my scene was on like righr away .. and then i didn'thave a costume on so i threw on this ungly white dress thing. haha but i still had my street shoes on , hahaha. oh yea but the person beside me had these lines written out on a paper on the floor for me .. but i couldn't read it cas i needed my glasses. and i was just going off about somethign then mr anderson steped in and saved me... he was in the play to playing and old man or somthign . haha i dunno . i was so uneasy though the whole time.. and it soooo weird that i would have a dream like that . cuz i am not a person who normally get stage fright. haha then there was this other part where i remember havign this part and these people got ummm body paint on the carpet and i was like fuck my mom is gonna kill me . haha i dunno thats alll i can remember of myweird dream.
hmm anywho yesterrday my cousins came over and we played wizard then , poker, then we went swimming for an hour haha we though it would be open forlonger ok , i forgot how much i hate pool water... it makes my skin feel grose. hmm then i went to james's and watched someof the 3rd harry potter , but my face was bugging me and it was 1 30 so i decided it was time to go home. thats really all that is up,.. and it's not even interesing . maybe today somethign fun will happen . i still need to meet soemnew people,.. its to bad lots of my friends(including me ) are to youge for the bar and pubs and stuff. i dunno .. ahah aoh and if any of my friends read this hehee it's not that i don;t l;ove you hahaha i just fine it very exciting to get to know someone new... hahah ya know when you make a new frriend and then like you talk about them just cuz like all this new information is fresh in your head.. and like i dunno hahaha, new experiences i guess. o well haha good day to you all ........................................................................................lisa

"She's beautiful as usual with bruises on her ego and
Her killer instinct tells her to beware of evil men"

Sunday, January 02, 2005

mmm chocolate...

hehehe my mom braught me ferrero rocher;s from work hahah , they are soooo yummy, love them ahah but anyways i am quite tired hahah , will be nice to sleep in my own bed not that jens bed wasn;t comfty last night hahaha , but the petit dylhan elbowed me in the face and stole the blankets... doubt i will share my bed with him agian hahaha, so today is the first day of 2005 ,,, thats kinda a scary thought, hahaha time flys eh , back to school in afew day s.. yuck,.. played some poker today that was good, fun haha , i'm not very good, i supose itwould help if i knew what could beat other things but whatever.... my toes are cold *tear* my leg warmers do nothing . o well hmmm think think think oh so i decided that i realy realy don;t like cold weather..( not that i did anyways.. summer rocker,,, skank tops and whore shorts& thumbs up , smile with sparkle* ) i was trying to leave joshes.. and the lock on my car was frozen... i couldn;t evern get the key in ,, and my car is horrible in slippy roads... *shaking fist * stupid car haha o well i supose i shouldn;t complain tooo much ,,. damn it this was suposed to be short i'm tired and am in need of sleep ... *sigh * i am toren , tired yet wanting to paint, ... sleep wins .. haha but then agian i can;t eat chocoalte while i am sleeping.

I"m a million different things
and not one you know

hey, and we love the abuse
Because it makes us feel like we are needed now

We used to love ourselves, we used to love another
'Cause it's so lonely I feel like I have died
I thought angels never learned to say goodbye

Goodnight moon, goodnight stars, goodnight sky, goodnight to the cold air which freezes m tears before they are born. chills my skin and makes me numb... i don't need to feel... not now... goodnight