Tuesday, November 13, 2007

why are we made to put up with this. i just don't wanna do it , not right now, not any of it. i don't want a job, i don't want to go to school, i don't want any of it... i don't know what i want. i feel so vulnerable. i want to collapse and watch the world rush by me. i want to be caught. i want to be safe. i won't be caught. i don't want this. i want to feel something other than i what i feel right now.
i have so many questions, but i doubt i will get answers.
i don't want to deal with any of this thing called life.
yes i'm aware i;m probably being over dramatic. but thats how i feel, so go a head and think what you like and i will feel my shitty feelings and we can both go on our ways.
i think i'll sit a while
i need to collect myself, the part i still have, it;s falling to pieces can;t you see, of course you can't. no one can.part of me has dissapeared. i don't know when i lost it or how but apparent;y i am not to blame. what is to blame.

i think i'll sit a while ,
i need to be put back together

sad, hurt, lonley, confussed, unattactive, unwanted, betrayed, cast asside, ugly, worthless, unmotivated confused, lonley, unwanted, sad, hurt, confused lonley, confused lonely hurt sad, sad , confused unwanted, sad, lonley sad, sad sad sad sad


1 comment:

shea65 said...

Well Lisa. You sound alot like me. Basically everything you write here i have felt or feel! It sucks, we are forced into society's net and you cant brake out of it! unless of course untill you retire, which you cant do without working blaaahhh its all too much!