Friday, June 30, 2006

doing laundry*dances*

1. What curse word do you use the most? fuck
2. Do you own an iPod? negative
3. Who on your Myspace "Top 8" do you talk to the most? ummm dawn
4. What time is your alarm clock set for? 8:o1.... but that actaulla ylike 7 30
5. How many suitcases do you own? umm 3
6. do you wear flip flops outside when it's cold out? hellyea
7. Are you having a good day? good so far
8. What was the last movie you watched?waiting
9. Do any of your friends have children? yes ahah and his child's middle name is the name of a dnd diety hahaha
10. Who is your bestfriend? spencer
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep faster? nope
12. What cd is currently in your cd player? NIN fragile... left side
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk? Chocolate
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week? kinda, but it wasn;t realyl a secret , i just said it was
15. When was the last time someone hit on you? ummm i don;t know
16. can you whistle? yes
17. Who was the last person to text you? Lee
18. Do you think people talk about you behind your back? probably
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child? oh yea
20. How many siblings do you have? 1
21. Are you shy around the opposite sex? not so much
22. What movie do you know every line to? empire records, labrynth, pricnes bride and get over it
23. What is the 4th text message on your CELL PHONE? I don't have 4: " if you didn;t guess i;m not ok"
24. What is your favorite salad dressing?ceasar
25. Do you read for fun? yeah
26. Do you do your own dishes? sometimes
27. Have you ever cried in public? umm probably when i was younger, but i would say no
28. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop? Desktop
29. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos? i want my lily flower on my ancle
30. What is the weather like? very sunny
31. Would you ever date someone covered in tattoos? yesum
32. Do you have an online journal? a blog.
33. When was the last time you slept on the floor? don;t remembe rit was a while ago
34. How many hours of sleep do you need to function? normally like 7 or 8.. i can get by with less thought... like 6
35. Do you eat breakfast daily?no
36. Are your days full and fast-paced? very much so
37. Did you ever get in trouble for talking in class? it;s a possablitly but i think not
38. Do you pay attention to calories on the back of package? HAHAYHAAH no
39. When was the last time you drove in a car for over 2 hours? umm umm *shrug*
40. Are you picky about spelling and grammar? not os much
41. Have you ever been to Six Flags? nope
42. Do you often dream when you sleep? all the time.... they are fucked up
43. Do you get along better with the same or opposite sex? opposite
44. Do you like mustard? only a little bit on hamburgers when i make them at home
45. Do you sleep on your side, tummy, or back? every side
46. Last person who called you? Jeff

1) Single, taken or crushin? single
2) Are you happy with where you are?yea pretty much... i will be happier when school starts
3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast? yea i think so
4) Have you ever had your heart broken? yesum
5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where you find cheating acceptable? Negative
6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? o would consider it
7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?don;t belive so
Do you want children? yea i'm estiamting in like 10 years
9) How many? 1-2
10) Would you consider adoption? umm i guess
11) If somebody liked you right now, what do you think a cool way to let you know would be? show me by like actions and attitues.. i dunno
12) Do you enjoy playing hard to get ? somtimes
13) Be honest, do you play the "game" when you are dateing? i dont unsderstand the question.. i guess i can say that my favorite part of finding soemone new is " the chase" i guess that is kindaplaying ... so yes...?
14) Do you believe love at first sight existsts? lust at first sight does.
15) Are you romantic? yes!!!
16) Do you believe you can change someone? no. i think you can help in some respects though
17) If you could get married anywhere, money not an object, where would it be? on abeach somehwere
19) Do you easily give in when you are fighting?if it;s a verbal confilict i am likely to end the conversation becuase i hate arguing with people.. a physical fight howdever... i will fight till i will or cannot move any longer
20) Do you have feelings for someone right now? ummmmm geeeeee i dunnnnoooo
21) Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you didn't take advantage of your opportunity? yes , but i know it wouldn;t have worked
22.) Have you ever broken a heart? yes.. for me it hurts almost as bad as getting yours broken
23.)What will happen if you come home and find another person in bed with your significant other? i dunno.. i might just leave in a silent rage... or rage and get plus 4 to my strenght and con and go nuts.... hahahaha (pushes up glasses)
24.) Would you ever fight somebody over your significant other? ummm i dunno
25.) What would you say your boyfriend/girlfriend does better now than your last ex and what did your last ex do better than boyfriend/girlfriend now?wow that is a refusing questions... well going back intime a bit... and speaking technicaly here excluding certian memebers... i would say acertiveness and ... for the second bit understanding... now if i were to waver that last excerpt.... making me feel special and frusterating me...
1. Hometown: N-a-n-a-i-m-o
2. Height: 5'5
Hair color:spicy red!
4. Hair length: Medium
5. Hair style: layerd
6. Eye color: blue-gey- sometimes green
7. Shoe size: 7
8. Mood: open
9. Sexuality: straight
10. cell phone:samsung... red!

1. Have you ever been in love: yes
2. Do you believe in love?: i think i would if i belive i have been in it
3. Why did your last relationship fail?: lack of understanding of each other's needs
4. Have you ever been heartbroken?: yes oh yes
5. Have you ever broken someones heart?: yea
6. Have you ever fallen for your best friend: HAHAHAH i laugh in your face questions 6
7. Are you planning on getting married?: yes
8. Are you afraid of commitment?: yes and no... and yes
9. Would you ever get married to someone of the same sex?: negative
10. Would you ever have sex with someone of the same sex? i',m pretty sure i wouldn;t ,,but you never know

1. Love or lust?: Love with lots of lust toppings
3. Night or day?: night
4. Hook-ups or relationship?: Relationships
5. Tv or internet?: internet
6. Pepsi or coke?: rootbeer end of story
7. Wild night out or romantic night in?: wild night out
8. Saturday or Sunday?: Saturday
9. Colored or black and white picture?: black and white
10. Phone or in person?: person

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Add up the things you've done.
Scale of $1-$5, depending on how many times:
$0- never
$1- once
$2- 1-5 times
$3- 6-10 times
$4- 10-20 times
$5- 20+ times

had sex-- $5
only went to first base-- $5
smoked-- $0
got drunk-- $4
went skinny dipping-- $0
kissed someone of the opposite sex-- $5
had more than one bf/gf at the same time-- $0
fell asleep in class-- $0
cheated on a quiz-- $3
been expelled-- $0
been in a fist fight-- $0
stole something-- $0
done drugs-- $0
dyed your hair-- $5
done something with someone older-- $5
cried yourself to sleep-- $4
said you love someone but didnt mean it-- $1
been in love-- $2
got arrested-- $0
madeout with someone at the movies-- $0
played spin the bottle-- $1
"borrowed" something from a friend, not intending to give it back--$2
skipped school--$5
had a naughty dream--$5
bitten someone--$5
created a sex cd--$0
seduced someone, intentionally--$4
gave oral--$5
recieved oral--$5

Wow i have alot of 0's hahaa, but there are quite afew fives there too.... however there are some things that must be righted... afew 0's that will rise... .... ... to a bigger number.. hahaha.

Monday, June 19, 2006

"So what if you can see the darker side of me ..."

*dances* a song by three dyas grace, i very much enjoy it... it's catchy.
woked today , all early and stuff. eww 7 am .. same dealyo tomorrow. then gettin gup for 9 two days in a row. tomorrow probably gonna go to a movie with meghan and kylan.. YAY meghan.
i 'm liking the summer but i am soo missing seeing everyone. dudud

got a hair cut..i think it looks cute, i chopped all the frizzy bottom off.*twirls* and now i have to rest of the night free, what to do what to do?, perhaps some of the sketches i'm suposed to do for doug*shrug*

I finished my art class!, no more boringness.
I'm excited for gregoirs party! i have to be fun and crazy to make up for my lack of un and partyness. i've comne to the conclusion that i am pretty lame at parties/ partying.. am i too responsible/( i dunno what you would call it) uptight i guess? i just always seems like i have somethign the next moring that requires me to not be hung over or i have to drive home..
i find that everything fun happends after i leave or go to sleep. ive decided it my goal to not be unfun.*nods* i hope it works hahaha *points* if any of you see me being unfun slap me....
hahaha this should be interesting. hahaha cuz i'm sure some of you would slap me... buti like that about you ...

kylan is pushing for wednesday nights at the foundry... are people interested?
i think maybe not everyweek... i am trying to save money, even though i am fairly bad at it.
( you see i will beat you ...*shakes fist at sky*) i dunno

i've not nothing eles presently... however if i think of somethign interesting i will let you know...

Monday, June 12, 2006

Augh soo tired *balrun*

so today is monday.. i worked at 7, until 3... lame todya is not over yet so i will stop with it now.

last time i left of sick and miserable.. much has improved. saturday i went to the doctor and got soem anti biotics then , to the market and worked hard makin my wraps. i enjoyed having somethign that i could focus on. keeping all the orders in my head .. it waslike some kind to extreme challenge....>> THE WRAP CHALLENGE* thunder crashes*... no? then kylan and i , sat around... and decided to go to the mall.. yay mall.. i baught a new bag.. THE SWEETEST ONE EVER! it;s canvas and big with pockets.. and i baught a new outfit.. a really pretty white skirt with lace at the bottom and a touquise tank top... yay 21$ outfit. i am super shopper.
Sat night. i dnded it up until 2 in the morning...
sun got called into work 1 1/2 hr early... worked then went to the long wood for ashleys birthyday
she didn;t have photo id so i ordered her a drink... so i ordered like 2 drinks right after another.. then anotherone.. haha everyone said i was an alcoholic.... hahah .. anyways...
then today early waking up

buuuuut.. ashmo just called and i am going to go and meet up with her. walking. hahah can you believe it.. aguht... ANYWAYS... oops caps... hahah love ... later!

Friday, June 09, 2006


Partying on the wrong side of Miserable

So i am sick.. lame. yesterday i was in bed for most of the day. today i supose that i feel better except for my throat, it has gotten worse.*sad face* i have no energy to do anythign so i am so bored. ithink i will watch movie disney movies or something... that is untill 2 when i work for 8 hours... it won;t be that bad , i just don;t want to have to talk. lee might come in and look at reptiles... i think he should get a camelion... cuz they are kewl.

hmm i get payed today .. that will be sweet. hmm i'm not sure what i should by my dad for fathers day. it's always so hard to buy things for him cuz he already has everytign thathe wants.. except a new boat.. but i can hardly afford that. i was thinking some stuff for out bar.. like a drink recipie book... with a kewl type of alcohole... i dunno though.

tomorrow i get to work at the errington market. i enjoy doing it. i've always liked to doing concession work. i remember when i was younger our ball team used to put on a tournimnet to raise money, and we got to work the consession. i know, i'm a loser. then after that it is Dnd. gotta get my fill somewhere.

sunday is ashmo's 19th birthday. we are going to the long wood. i hope i feel better.
Only two more boring art clases to go. then i have my tuesday adn thursday nights free again.
yay. the only good thing about being sick yesterday was not going to art class... however ... i might rather be not sick and go to class, as oposed to being sick.... i am so lame and unproductive when sick. drives me nuts... i hate not doing somthing.

thats all i got i guess. 4hours to waste till work...

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

naked bathing suit

... thats what i am wearing.... it;s a tan bathing suit that makes me look naked. hmm hmm
what is new.. it is nice outside.. yes! it;s suposed to be warm for a week!... eeep excited
on the weekend i went to gabriola to meet up with everyone. it was super fun... I found a stick called excalibure( spelling?) . when nathan and i were stumbling along the beach.. it was plus 2!
wathced the sun set with spencer and nathan. it was goo beautiful , i wished that i had my camera but it was in the car and i was so not going to get it
went to bed too early though... tears... all the fun happened after i went to bed.. but i had to .. i had the hugest headache in the world... it was propably from all the sugar in what i was drinking.
rasberry sours, z=up and soem other apple liquire that i baught.... it was sooo good.. but sweet... haha i don;t think i was really drunk.. maybe just sugar buzzed. hahah anywaysh

came home sun ... did soem stuff... eventuall yplayed dnd ... it was pretty good. my dice are not being shitty anymore.. woot

monday i had to get up at 6 to work at 7... eeew for 8 hours ewww...... not used to 8 hours at a regular job..... i'd rather work 16 hours in a theatre, or on theatre than 8 at a regual job... but o well .. it actuall ywasn;t that bad except that i was tired... lame. i don;t do morning well

hung around after ... made some cd's for my dad.. dudud...dudu.. ashley came to visit! as did spencer, he was chanced to my house by his 3 brothers.. hahahha *wink*

Today - i got up and cleaned myroom and the computer room which was very messy... i feel better.. hung around inside... outside . i have my dumb art class today so i can;t go to the movies with meghan and kylan .. I"M missing meghan.... *Cries* i'm so proud of her. andher theatre stuff... she is amasing.... i'm glad she is my work buddy anyways

tomorrow is the last pipers... if you can make it come.. beause i said so ..

amber . hehehe i am in love with the song poison right now haha .. i know you will like that

kaitlyn- some day i will come to you.. p.s. i keep trying to log on to the satry players forum but it never sends me an activiation e-mail :(, not even to my junk box... can you like deleat my account so i cna make a new one or somethign... to see if it works????

thats all i got

Friday, June 02, 2006

I am filled with silent rage

in other news, i quite enjoyed dovers rendition of " a mid summer nights dream" it was, though very coarse, quite funny... shortly i will be going to a party...

earlire today i painted while.. doug.. every 30 seconds took a picture of the painting... it looks kew l on the comp.. cuz it does

I appologize for my lack of good typing and recolection of events

*see title*

yesterday after my art class i met up with ashley and jenn and jen , and nathanand jackie and mel, and we went to timmy's.,. then we had a sun ritual to try and bring the sun for camping.. so far so good. then we came back to my house and watched getover it.. so we could watch the musical rendition of a mid summe rnights dream.. i love taht movie

also this week, i got a new computer it is very sweet..

tommorrows forcast calls for working for 4 hours then a trip to gabriola where i will party hardy and run wild and free... Free you hear me FREE, Muahahaha it;s alive ALive

thank you and good night.