Saturday, June 30, 2007

what the hell am i doing drinkin in L.A....

that song is stuck in my head. so does everyone wanna hear some great news

i lied it isnt. my knee is still fucked up, it still has a nice bone chip in it. infact it;s worse. it is killing my right now. fucking fuck fuck fuck ... im not pleased.
work lately has been very tiring. it;s like twice the work effort because im gimped. sigh. but whatever. two more days... i'm gonna see if i can get out early today.
yesterday hmmm after a long day of work, i went to spencers where he was just starting his day. we hung out and watched some sopranos then went out to dinner with glenn, robyn and another girl. you should all be proud of me it was indian food and i ate it and pretty much enjoyed it. i actaully wouldn;t mind going back there when im not full. when we returned to spencers i pretty much passed out from exaustion.

i had this weird dream that took place at rutherford school. and we had made these butterflies and where either doing some excersise or playing a game. the there was this other part with like an obstical course or something. the last part i remember was comming into a room , and it had a bunch of pallets in it and steel with pallets full of stuff . like the recieveing at my work. but it was just a small room and it was so crouwded. and i think it was "spencers" and he was either lying down on a really tall pallet or something and i was thinking about how i was gonna make space. like i remember there was a skid of litter that i was gonna get rid of and two skids of nutro that i was gonna put together. this probably sounds like non sence. but going over it actually making me think about what it means which is funny. well not funny really but anywyas. me at work while spencer is sleeping it makes sence. i guess i am kinda just dissapointed at it. it;s like work why try so hard at something, put so much effort into it if you know there isn;t anything to do to change it.
i will probably have to quit work soon, well i dunno when but there is no fucking way i am staying there if they make a certain someone a manager. i need to get a job as a waitress somewhere so i can get tips and have lots of money. i just have to get some more training and my serving it right. it will be worth it thought.

oh man going to work is the last thing i want to do today, but o well.
p.s. when i have a day off, i want to spend the day with you. the whole day

Wednesday, June 27, 2007


we got the place! gonna start moving in next week. you all have to come and visit!!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

don't you hate when you feel like crying but you feel silly cuz you have no real reason to be doing it... i hate life sometimes

loss of inspiration

don;t you hate that, when you get all gung ho about working on something and then you just loose it. you just stop careing. it;s funny how fast your feelings can change. anyways
its funny how some funny stupid things that i think, continually prove themselves to be true. like when something is going good i can;t acknowlage that it is or it will turn the other direction.
without fail, it happened today. even thought i know what would happen, i guess i thought maybe this time it wouln;t, but i went and did it. whatever. i guess some time alone isn;t the worst thing in the world.... however missing someone you love is.

it;s not like i have much to complain about. i supose i'm just being selfish. i have other people who love me and would gladly spend their time with me. but somehow when i can;t have what i want, it;s all i want. you know.
anyways ... so i haven;t posted in forever or like a few days. last thursday i think it was a bunch of people came and visited me and i felt super special. i swear people never come and see me. so thank you to jill, josh,ben, gregoire, and eryn who traveled vast distances to see me. and to kaitlyn and spencer who where stuck with me by defult. i thank you for puttin gup with me.

kaitlyn and i went to hand in out application today. i hope that we get it soo much. it is so nice and will be much closer to everyone so you can all come and visit and have cocktails and stuff. spencer can come visit me finally. you better anyways, no excuses now. terry will come over hopefully. i think he is scared of my parents so he like never comes over here. perhaps it;s me he is scared of thought.....
we thought, kaitlyn and i, that we could go and have a picknick once we move in, i mean when we hopefully move in. i'm scared we won;t get it for some freak reason. its like what i was talking about before. getting to excited about something and then it not going your way.

kaitlyn is going to he far off home tomorrow for like a week. man it;s sooo weird having so much time. i can't wait to get back to work kinda cuz then i will have stuff to do in the day. i actually have stuff to do though, of course i just procrastinal though.*sigh*

hmmm i'd like to thank my blog and it allowing me to ramble aimlessly. i was feeling alittle down and you made me feel better.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


sooo i am fricken bored out of my mind. i love them but i can only watch so many movies in a row, particularially by myself. it;s fine with people but doing it alone is so no fun.
so far today i have watched two movies. done some sitting around... wasted as much time as possible on face book. read blogs. hobbled around the house. texted people, looked up laptops , looked up appartment and created a list of them. compleat with newspaper clippings.

last night was fine spencer came to visit me and he spent the night but he left early this morning which made me sad. and then i was fine, but now i'm so bored and lonely.

if you aren't busy feel free to take pitty on me and come visit. even for a short while. i have a week off work pretty much and i'd rather not spend it alone. just call my cell or stop by, or send me a text or anything.
i guess i'll watch another movie. i got nothign eles to do.
augh bored bored bored

Monday, June 18, 2007

lisa the cripple

not that much.. but i needed a title.. anyways
soooo what has lisa been up to. well i went to kelowna on friday after work. friday was a long day . got up at 7 work work work .. then took the ferry and drove..said hello to everyone... and went to bed.. yea i know i was lame.
but saturday we ( me robyn cody,and jordan) got up and went to get some breakfast. it was good
then back to the beach house to pick tim, who was going to help out with pyro.
then we headed out to this movie set. now before you get all excited ,, it;s a really bad b movie called hells tome. but it was kewl none the less.

so what we where doing was. there was suposed to be an expolsion in the film where they blow up a monster. and we where going to make the expolsion.
so anyways we get introducted to everyone and then go off to do some test shots. jordan has a video of one of them on his blog btw. it was pretty sweet, i learned how to make the exposive charges. and was not so bad at it if i do say so my self.* nods head*

so we did that for a bit and then go around to actually doing the explosion for them to film . haha at this point it was starting to rain which sucked. but what didn;t suck was how big we where making the explosion.. very very sweet

so we finished that up and went to the beach house to get cleaned up and have a few drinks.
then to dinner. more drink. man i had the best drink.. i wish i remembed what was in it.. of and i met the set designer for miss saigon ,. he was pretty kewl. haha

back to the beach house. more drinks .. and then we decided to have a little pyro compotition. so robyn and i where on one team and cody and tim on the other.. and we made some charges and set them off in the yard. robyn let me fire them off which was super kewl... we totally won.
then some more drinks and such.. and then i painted a door. it looked really kewl when i was painting it.. but i dunno if it still looks that kewl sober. anyways. it has a tree that looks like a woman and a big water drop, some space, and a wave with a confused shark and ogo pogo . nice eh.

to bed.
next day up for breakfast, then to a prodiction meeting, then a long drive home. robyn and i stopped at ikea on the way home and it was awesome!! i want to go there and spend like day looking at everythign. i did buy a lamp thought... it;s kew;; and green . ferry , extext
it was a pretty good time
then today i got to get up and go to the hospital for 9 30 .. to go and have my knee surgery. horay. got changed into hospital gear waited in he waiting room. then waited ina bed .. then waited in a bed in the hallway. then they couldnd find a good vein for my IV... well not until they stabbled me afew times and decided to try my arm. woke up in the recovery room. naped for a bit. got moved to a differnt place have some apple juice and arrow root cookies.. which i love yum yum. and pretty much came hom eafter that. i wa nervouse before but it all when well. and how i am just a bit of a cripple gotta take it easy for a while, probably have take mor time off work than i thought but , meh, it's fine by me, if people wanna come visit me at all i have no objections. call me first on my cell just to make sure i am here. but yea..

oh and the best part of the whole things was i got soem care bear stickers.. i was answering some questions ith a nurse and when we where done i was like ..." can i have a sticker" and she gave me a whole little section. yay

anyways. update compleat.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

this is my night off

i decided i needed a break. just a short one *wink* haha
i have to work early tomorrow and there are somethings i should work on... but we will see .
anyways. a break from my hard core party life style haha,.. well not quite but probably as close as i will get.
umm i don;t remember what i did friday i think i went to spencers.... but yea . sat i worked then hun with eryn a bit. watched some hercules and had some good talking time. ... i really enjoyed out time together hehehe
then i went to see spencer any stayed the night there.. then work the next day omg it was soooo boring almost killed me... except that 1/2 way through my shift james and kyle came into visit me on the way to the liquor store. they told me to phone them after work.. so i did and kaitlyn and i ended up going to tylan's house* jame;s friend* and played beer pong.. well i played rum and coke pong because i don;t do the beer. but i rocked pretty good. i must say and then we played flip cup which was sucha fun game. kaitllyn was all pro at it. eryn and tasia came and hung out a bit. but sadly did not partake in drinking. later on . me james, kaitlyn and rainbow boy* jessie* walked to jessies house... we where on 9th street .. and it was past where you turn off to go to butter tubs from the freeway. anyways long story short it was a long walk. but a fun one.
then once at jesse;s i wanted to go to spencers so i could pick my car up in the morning. soooo james walked kaitlyn and i to spencers.. but there was no - one there. so we just sat down.. but then .. who walked through the door. a kylan martha and spencer. very drunk meets high. we we all chilled and it was nice. kinda weird having all the people i have actually dated in the same room together. but i was really drunk so it was ok. not that iwas bad or anything but yea.

so the next day i had to go and get my car.. so i walked from spencers house on campble street to my car on 9th street. which was no soo bad, it only took me like 40ish minuts , that including a stop at the 7-11. and eww did i mention 9th street is one big hill. that was the worst part. anyways. oh and the glass for my window came in so i went and go that put in .
then some stuff happend. i baught 2 muse cd's the new marylin manson cd and 2 glass monkeys filled with maragrita mix.
took rick to spencer. chilled. the boys went to the pool( lisa could not go due to lack of pool attire)
but eryn was like hey lisa i wanna get fucked up so i was like ok... and we went to the liquire store and played some drinking egyption war. i dyed my hair and then when the boys returned we went for a nice picnic with our friend the apple pipe. then to tim hortons where we found martha, jill, biff, james, kylan , alleah. and it was nice.. i had a bagle.. mmm bagle

so eryn and i are girls gone wild hahah. i have enjoyed the past few weeks, thats how i wanna keep rolling.
wow long post.. *shrug*

Friday, June 08, 2007


ya know. there are just some things that i see sometimes that piss me off. let me tell you a little story. all my lifepretty much i was and underdog, fuck i still feel like one sometimes today. i was the one that was left out of a group. in elementary school i had many friends who where not my friends. in grade 7 i spent most lunches inside with one other person. on my fast all team ( which i played on for 8 years with basically the same group of people) i was never invided to the girls nights, or on camping trips or anything like that. i was the tag along. same thing in high school.i was the after thought person alot of the time. drove me fucking nuts, people say their your friends but don;t wanna hang out with you.*shrug* anyways.. so now a days things are a bit differnt, i feel accepted and all that crap. but what gets to me now is some people not thinking i am capable. not trusting me. i guess this is mostly my rents and people from work. but anyways , but i;m really getting at is it drives me nuts to see someone i care about be shuned and not trusted. i believe it, i've even experienced it. i don;t see why the people that should be closest to this person don't believe then. to see someone punished for doing what is best for them,is so unfair. i'm all about the fairness, and this does not register on my fairness scale. i don't want people to argue, or fight or not talk to each other. i wish people would try to understand. hahaha and i'd also like world peace.... cuz i know if i want it it will happen*rolls eyes* but what eles can i do but wish for the better. anyways..
just keep on it, it;s the people who have turned against you now, are who will be missing out in the future. damnt it why do i keep saying epic soundsing things, it sounds so cheesy when i am trying to be sincere. anyways i'll be there for ya. i know what it feels like to be thus treated.

i don;t expect anychange or people to to give a damn what i think. but i guess i can always hope in some small way i can make a difference.
again with the cheese.


Thursday, June 07, 2007

i'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round...

i really love to watch them roll

today thus far has been very productive. i slept in and watched two movies with kaitlyn. well 1 anda 1/2 . first the end of kate and leopold which was awesome and i am going to buy it. amd second life as a house. which is also very good. then i went and ordered a new windshield got a new watch battery and returned some movies.. i get things done in their own time. i gotta unwind before i can act again.
do you ever feel like you dissapoint people, even though they will never say anythign about it.

last night was an amazing adventure. i would like to thank all the participants. nathan, eryn ,jill, martha kylan and kaitlyn. nights like that create memories that make life worth living. there was only one thing that could have made that night better.

i have a head ache. i think it;s cuz i'm hungry.. grrr i hate waiting for dinner to be done. i also hate having to say weather i will be home for dinner. i can't wait till i cna just flow. and do whatever i need at the time. i hate setting plans sometimes, becuase then i am set in one direction. however many times i like making plans becuase then i am certain at what i am heading for. i guess i am torn. anyways
i cannot wait to see everyone at some function, that we need to have. just thinking about it makes me want a hamburger. can you tell i am hungry. hungry for excitedment*clenches fist in the air*

anyways. yea. ttfn

Saturday, June 02, 2007


someitmes so i just don;t understand. like is it something abotu me that people see as threatening so agressive? all i try to be is nice and yea i;m a little crazy , but does the rest of the world really see me the differently than i see myself.

in other news. someone smashed in the drivers side window of my car. sweet eh. there wasn;t even anythign in my car. fuckers. i wonder if someone just hates me and is takin it out on m car. *sigh* however spencer's aunt and mom have offered to pay to get it replaced since it happened at their house, which is super nice of them, perhaps i will only get them to pay part of t thought.

hmm also i am finally done chaning light bulbs. spencer and ace did it last night and got it all finised. i'm so glad. i hated staying up that late all the time.

hmm well thats enought for now. i am looking forward to erin;s and mine;s night of fun . hehehe