Monday, January 01, 2007

last night as i slept i held your heart in my hand

how amusing life is, i thought last newyears was sure to be the worst... sure was wrong there wasn;t I. i don;t know what to do now.i cannot hide forwever, I have one week to pull myself together before i have to face her. the pit in my stomach. i don;t knwo waht people know, i know i haven;t said anything to anyone. i wonder if she has. probably. and those people are probably all for it, on your side, thinking i deserve what i get. maybe i do, but that doesn't change the feeling my world has been turned around. then ripped form me.

you better make him happy. because he deserves it and all the world. he is the most amasing and interesting person i have ever met and i love him with everypart of me.
i'm sorry but
all the love i have for him, is how much i hate you
it;s nothing personal. i like who you are, just not what you've done to me
it;s alright, i have a week to get over it
i hope you try to understand what it's like


Ky said...

you have people on your side aswell...*hugs*

Akiyhrah said...

Lisa, if you ever need someone, I will always hang out and make yummy things with you and have a total girl session. ^_^ *hug*

Megan said...

rawr. I only saw you once this holiday season. Hopefully one of the weekends I visit we can hang and I won't be working a ridiculous amount. Sorry I couldn't see you more! But I was really super happy that you made it out to my birthday.

VivaLaPinto said...

*loves* Lisa! You know you have so many people, including me, who are there for you.


PS: thanks for the apple crisp! it was yummier cause YOU made it! :)

Martha said...

*pets head*

you have me too, i dont know if that counts for much, but i'm here for you.

Ky said...

it may not seem like it but everything will work itself will once again be may take time but you will be ok....i am always here for you..that will never ever change...i would drop everything to be there for you if you needed me. i see you like a phoenix...a beautiful bird that is reborn out of the very fire that seems to destory are a beautiful person and i love you for being who you are and how dedicated and kind you have amzing drive and compassion that i wish i had...

love, ky

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

I cho cho chooose you