Saturday, October 20, 2007

taking a cue from eryn

so there is a lot of things going on in my life. i barely have time to think it seems. also i am taking a cue from chekove.
and now ladies and gentle men this is my action of in action

i have am amazingly creative, generouse, and in my opinion fun to be around.
i have an amazing family who i love.
my cat is the sweetest cat ever.
i have had the opportunity to travel the world, i have seen, the Carribean/ virgin islands, venice, turkey greece,france, spain, denmark, russia, polland, estonia, sweden, ext ext.
i have eaten caviar... but hated it.
.. but i tried it
i have amazing friends, that i can say for probably the first time in my life, i feel included and cared about by them.
i have a sweet appartment that i like living in.
i am an artist.. even if it's self proclaimed.
i have sold, given away, and desplay my art.
i've had a painting in a gallery.
i've been offered a scenic painting job without applying for it.
i've set off a big firework and am able to handle them legaly
i've worked on a pyrotecnics for a movie. even if it was a b movie it was fucken sweet
i've hung upside down off a the catwalk
i;ve zip lined through the trees in belize
i'm a sweet bar tender
i've seen a giant gold penis
i've been to a bar made entirly of ice
i have a good fashion sense that matched my personality
i've been in love twice, and had my heart broken twice
my consiouse is inherantly good, even if my mind tries to corrupt it.
i've tap danced in a musical
i played a fetus in a play.
i can cook a mean apple crisp
i've been scuba diving
i've swam with manta rays
i've eaten turtle soup
been to a rum factory... i love rum
i've beem euphoricly happy and depressingly sad
i've been a day camp leader
i've perfecty parallel parked a big budget van into a tiny space
i've been mushroom picking, camping, fishing hiking ext more times than i can count
i give money to food banks sometimes when i go to the grocery store
i've played tackle football and kicked ass
i've played fastball for 14 years, and was awesome
i believe i could make i dhad enough time.. and duct tape

thats good for now i need to have a nap before work,
i am 20.beautiful and amazing


déjà~raine said...

ummm lisa, i think you made a mistake.

MY cat is the sweetest cat ever. hee hee hee.

Let Go said...

Isn't life amazing?! :D