Tuesday, August 28, 2007

no job and no friends makes lisa a dull girl

today was boring and sucky. spencer left early in the morning and i did not get to say good buy properly which made me sad. then i came home and waited around for my mother to pick me up to go to my knee appointment. talking to the doctor and if my knee is "acting up" ,aka bone chip popping out, on a thursday i'm suposed to call the doctors and see if i can get surgry on that day, when the doctor is on call, other wise if i book and appointment and go in for surgery they might not be able to find the little chippy again.. which would just be a big waste of time for everyone. my knee sucks.

after that i came home did some stuff , baked a sponge cake which is delicious... watched a movie... augh.. and now it is 10:17 and i am not tired yet.. i really need to find a job so that i can appreciate the time i have off. augh places where suposed to phone me today yet didn;t.. perhaps i will have some luck tomorow, maybe i will go there, or just apply at some more places. i really don;t wanna have to work in retail.
i can just imagine it if i did, one of my old managers or coworkers would come to where i work and see me working at some stupid job and .. yea it would suck.*sigh*

i think tomorrow i will make a pie....
is this why my grammy bakes so much, because she is bored? at least she is very good at it by now.hopefully when i am her age i will be as good.

i want to go out but do not know where i would go , nor do i dare take a walk at this hour.

o well


Queen of Hearts said...

comment for myself so my blog doesn't look compleatly pathetic

Ky said...

heres another one for yah kid...hey you could always smoke a bowl...lol...

weed: always a good idea!

Queen of Hearts said...

i don't have any weed atm, i'm not h-core like you in that specific area

Anonymous said...

comment for lisa :)

good luck with the job thing. most places are hiring like mad, so it shouldnt be tooooo hard to find something :)

this is martha.. i'm lazyt