Friday, August 24, 2007

one set closer

yay me. ok so for some reason i woke up at like 545. and was like what is that light.. so i get up and check it out and it was totally the sun. anyways short stort even shorter i got up. and finally finished reading thought the dealy and taking my test for serving it right. yay i passed go me. then i needed a printer to print my certificate out.. i have one but it was in a box. like all brand new and stuff. so i took it out... but i had to find a place for it soo i cleaned up all the computer and tv cords.. yay it looks so pretty now.. but i was still missing a cable so i will have to go to my rents anyways later to print it off. hmm u guess i should try and find a table before i go back to the north end so i can take my dads truck back.. but then i have to take everything out of it ... screw this idea... i'm going back to bed...
*marches down hall*

i'm just kidding... i'm probably get to it later...

so i guess today that i will go and apply for afew jobs. i soo cannot keep up with this doing nothing. it makes me sooo lazy. mm my house smells like hippy.. mmm hippy.
i love my house. have i ever mentioned that. for like ever i have wanted my own place that i could decorate and walk around naked in... and stuff. ya know. it's so nice not to havew to worry about being home at certain times or get bitched at by my other for having clothes on the floor. or leaving things places. i clean up in my own time. generally it;s pretty clean here.

hmmm so i am kinda nervouse about applying at a restaurant. i've never actually done any serving and if i get hired i keep thinking that they won;t give me any training and ill be like thrown into it and fail miserably.... yup. sounds fun eh ..
this being so i am tempted to apply at the liquor stores i ssaw needed people. cuz i could so do that super easy. but no lisa.. dont; cop out. go for the tips.... the riches....!

i dunno. i will apply. i can;t not. i'm just abig chicken.

fare well

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