Sunday, March 11, 2007

so .. closing party pretty much rocked hard core

yes yes??? i think soo.. all i know is that i had a super fun time,just a dancing and chatting and going to nathan's car.. and eating pizza.. and seeing pam! i just had a most enjoyable time. one of the best parties i've gone to for sure.and then going to bed ;) and getting to sleep in. it was so nice..

the day yesterday was good as well, hanging out with kaitlyn and devin. going to the mall and finding a sweet sweater that i love and an awesome ring.

dudu then today playing dnd. fun fun fun
my rents came home today. they baught me a necklace pendant with some crazy stonein in it that you can only get from where they where.
it was just a good weekend.

any now , the nights are free. and i shall hang out with the people that i want an stuff..yup yup yup

but nowi am tired... so this doesn;t make lots of sence. *shrug*

see you all tomorrow


Akiyhrah said...

High five for the hot kiosk guy!

Let Go said...

Lisa! We had so much fun with you in Nathan's car!
Now that Power is over, we shall organize a girly night!