Friday, March 30, 2007

procrastination at it's best

so here is the deal, i'm trying to write my theatre history essay. augh. and i'm very proud of my self so far. but ever 50- 100 words i seem to loose focus. so far i've checked my bank accound and cretid card, read through everyone's blogs, had a shower.. and nwo i am writting a blog. i had officially diagnossed my self with essay A.D.D
however after i return from whatever activity i have choses to do instead of my essay i do get a small chunk done. which is good.. right now i am 1/3 done my essay and i have all tomorrow to do it .

augh so last night i worked all night and stuff... and then i got up early this morning and worked for a long time .. and now i am very tired. i could use a shoulder rub if anyone is feeling generouse.. eh eh .. didin;t think so. you knwo waht feels better than getting your shoulders and bacl massaged... no no .. heh not that .. silly kids.
either getting your feet/ legs massaged or your arms. cuz they don;t get alot of attention. anyway s

so i got payed today ,but our store won this thing becuase how must we made went up the most from jan to mar.. so i got an extra 80$.. i would have got more if i had worked more hours during that time. but hey .. i'm happy with that.

anyways thats enough for this distracton..

p.s i am open for people to update their blogs so that i will have another distraction in the future.. thank you.

1 comment:

Megan said...


Other methods include (but are not limited to): cleaning, food runs, watching youtube, reading magazine articles and generally wandering aimlessly around the internet when "researching" for your essay.

I am such a pro at this.

Good luck on the essay, hang in there!