Monday, December 25, 2006

i'll never forget you

so today was christmas. it was fairly alright, i have found that over the apst few years i have been loosing my christmas spirt dropping to an all time low this year however there where some moments that while not neccisarially being christmasy made it a day that is worth remembering
~ the best present my brother has given me. he wrote a short story dedicated to me. it;s a fantacy one about a battle. this might seem not the more exciting thing but right now he is writting a fantacy novel and i think that it is really great , like he is perfest for writting it. anyways he is already famous to me so i think it is great
~exchanging gifts , recieveing something that i will cherish and getting the longest hug ever. i hope you are happy with your gift and you remember what is written by you and myself. we are wise people, maybe just not all the time.
~ and finally a crazy short film that was produced by myself and my twin who is 6 years older than myself. i hope to have it here for you as soon as she DL's it. it features holly, blue chapstick the cheerio and a domino. talks of a sequil are in the making.

i hope everyone had a great day.

i miss you a little you could say, a little to much , a little to often , and a little more each day.


Tarantula eyes said...

merry christmas Lisa...personal gifts are the best!

Joe Guitar said...

happy boxing day...*hugs*

Ky said...
