Monday, December 18, 2006

help me i am in hell -NIN

so things have been alright i guess, been working lots which is good for the money however it is very exausitng. umm other than that not o muc has been going on. stuff happens ya know, there is so much going on in my head that i dunno what to do with myself. i have no motivation but i want somethign to distrat me from my thoughts. I have so much self doubt now.

i thought it would be for just a little while,
but it turned into forever
all i wanted was to fix some things
to try and make it better

i am lost in a sea acidic thought
that pours into my veins
it;s eating me from the inside
till no happiness remains

i'm so good at telling other people how to do things, but so bad at making my own dessicions.
there are somethings i just don;t understand. why did you give up, it just wanted to be bettter.
i wish i could scream, but whats the point.

help me i am in hell


Ky said...

*hugs and love* talk to me about stuff if you need to get things off your chest or hear another veiw point...dont like it when your sad....

Akiyhrah said...

*hugs* I'm really bad at making my own decisions too.. maybe we can make decisions for each other? hehehe :)

When I get back into town we should have a fun-filled day of randomness to cheer you up. I also need to figure out how to get to your house on the bus. I like visiting you, but I feel bad when you drive all the way out to get me. So I'll figure it out ^_^