Sunday, August 13, 2006

past my bed time

yea so i should be off to bed, 7 am shift.. augh . lame .. umm but i just though that i should show you my tattoo , i got it done yesterday at black and blue. umm not much eles is really new with me more work thats about it. will give a better update tomorrow or something..



Ky said...

she took it like a man....a small cute little girly man...hehehe...oh the funny faces where good..but i understand your pain...woot woot..that is all

VivaLaPinto said...

looks GREAT! SO pretty!

Megan said...

Very pretty darlin. Did you draw it?

Queen of Hearts said...

yes i did actaully, for anyone who gives a whoot. i designed the oen that kylan is getting next. both desgined in theatre history class by the way hahaha

Pineapple Princess! said...

I love that tattoo!!!! they did such a good job and its a beautiful design!!! awesome hun!

Joe Guitar said...

Lisa is tres sexy. That is all.

VivaLaPinto said...

I remember seeing that design the day you drew it, and becoming Flaming Jealosy, itself! lol! I wanted it SOOOO bad!