Monday, August 11, 2008

Without the sour the sweet wouldn't taste

i've decided some truths about myself.. they are as follows...

i am a giver i will give you the shirt off my back or my last penny if i thought you needed it, but don't dare take anything from me... i need to surrender things of my free will, or i become very unhappy.

there are men in my life,romantically or otherwise, but none of them control me.
- as of now i am a free soul, and i am talking advantage of the life i have to live.

my life is prioritized like this.
human contact, work , sleep ,food, other.
i will always make time for people first and for most. they help me keep my sanity when things get going out of control. if i have time for work i will generally take it, despite the strain it may cause. if both are needed i will sleep before i get food. or think of it this way i would rather sleep in than get up and make breakfast or a lunch for myself. food is good. and then many other of my lesser responsibilities or wants come after that. i'm sure there must be exceptions but this seems generally true.

i've had some time to ponder things over the past few days. and this is what i figure

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