Saturday, June 07, 2008

a barnacle and a heart of stone

my god i am so lazy today haha. thats ok thought it think it is good that i am doing nothing for a change... so .. let me tell you a little story about my night at work last night. i was working the closing shift 6- 12 . which is lame in it;s own right because it;s no fun to work till 12. after 830 our buffet gets put away and it slows down almost entirely. almost no one comes in after that except on rare occasions i will be busy. if everything is done and there is no one there i can go home at 1130 because thats when the kitchen closes. normally someone will come in just before 11 or slightly after so i can;t go home early. yesterday night was no excaption. 3 people came in and ordered at 10:50. fine whatever i think to myself, i can still get out kind early. nope.. then at like 11:10 two people come in and order. at this point i am very unhappy. then just before the kitchen closes a group of 5 people come in and ordera big dinner. FUCK. at this point i am very unhappy. but oh wait it gets better. the group of 2 have since left. leaving 8 people . at like 1158 the rest of their group comes in, like 5 more people, and expet to order food. thank fucking god the kitchen was closed. so finally when they all left i get to re vaccume , clean up after them and wash all the floors. at like 9 i was so tried and all i wanted to do was come home.... i was very not happy about having to stay till fucking 12 30.
haha the funny thing was when i got home i couldn't even sleep so i stayed up till like 2 or something.
today i ended up sleeping in till about 1230, and have not really done much in the way of productive things. except for a nice walk to the grocery store. horray for walking.

because i am lazy today i have been surfing useless junk and reading some old e-mail that i have saved. it almost makes me sad the way things used to be compared to how they are now. but on the whole i am much happier with things now. last night as i was vaccuming for the first time i was thinking about soul mates. everyone has a different view on them. whether they exist or don;t exist and what being some one;s soul mate actally means. to me it seems like a sappy term for a true kind of relationship you have with a person. to me i dont; think it has to be a romantic bond, but it could be. i think it's finding someone who you feel a strong trusting connection to. for me it;s someone i can be honest with and know that even if they dissagree with what i believe they will try to understand. someone that cares for you and even thought you may be apart for however long your connection keeps you together. a soul mate is like a person, a friend, a lover who is woven into your life, who stays with you as you changeand who undertands you on a different level then everyone else. really i am crap at explaining the wait i think/ feel about this. but o well. in my opinion, i have two soul mates and i know no matter how our lives fluctuate, whether they move closer or further appart , they will always be a part of me and ,even perhaps in the slightest measure, i will love them. what do you think of soul mates? true? false? fantacy?
i may not have made it very far thought this life but i have seen enough to know that the people that are worth keeping around are worth the effort, and will put in some effort as well.

much love, lisa


Akiyhrah said...

The general population are douchebags. lol I hate it when people come into my store at like, 8:50 cuz I'm pretty much closed by then. I can only imagine how pissed I'd be if I worked at a restaurant and people came in last minute.

Let Go said...

The whole soulmates thing is a toughie for me because it's basically presupposing that certain people (whether romantically or not) are destined to be together. But maybe not.
In any case, I do believe that the term soulmate definitely pertains to someone who you feel is absolutely connected to you. Maybe I do believe that certain people were destined to come my way, actually. We all learn from every experience we have, so why couldn't we say that these things are meant to happen and help build us as people?

déjà~raine said...

i think a soul mate is a person you're more likely to want around, and make effort to keep in your life. you still have to (and get to) choose to have them around.

i don't think people are guaranteed/destined to spend their lives together, and even if they do, that doesn't necessarily mean they're good for each other.