Sunday, November 05, 2006

i'm sorry .

closing night. thank god, i need a break. strike tonight then another party. unfortuatly i will most likley not be able to enjoy it as it will start late and i have to work tomorrow morning at 1030.

i cannot wait for "this" whatever it is ... to be over.
until then, please forgive me
i am the prize in a race between two rivals. they are the same in many ways yet their ignorance of the other separates them. i am a bridge who is held up by two sides. i am the connector they shall never meet in the middle. they hold me up with love and affection, yet i am held down. without these sides i would fall, however the more they grow and shrink to meet i am twisted. I have beams that go deep within these sides, i stab deep within their being, the damage is already done.


Ky said...

i am here for whatever you need from me....just dont hate really are a good person


jordanibanez said...

Hey Lisa, if it means anything, I never thought you were that great. Heheheh, that just sounds mean. But no, I like you, you're wicked, but you're not crazy fancy and spectacular as far as I'm concerned. I've never liked you that way. You've always been Lisa the Great as far as I'm concerned. Hahah, that's like, 1/2 a compliment.

Megan said...

You know who I love? I love Lisa.

"Megan, if we die from this I just want you to know...I love you man."

But seriously now. Whoever has caused this pain? Totally not worth your time. You are so much better than this and as cliche as that sounds (and believe me, I know everyone is gagging right now) it's totally true.

What is so fucking great about you?

You're nice, talented, you tried to kill me with rum and coke, and you're b-e-a-utiful.

And you leave the BEST blogger comments EVER!

Ky said...

breaks are good.....i know i need one...i already miss the show but it will be nice to have some semblance of normal life back