Sunday, October 22, 2006

trip to vic

so friday after james and kyle got off work we started out on our journey. out first stop was the liquior store. kyle baught some beer, i baught rum. then we where off. kyle started drinking uon the way up and after about 4 beer's kyle really really has to pee. so we find a gas station to pull over at ( which we find out later that we where minuts away from out destination) kyle runs in ... no luck no bathroom. so james and i , sitting in the car, see him run past .. hop a fence and go a little ways to a tree... it was like some park in some seniors viliage. ah the memmories..

so we make it to joshes house, unfortunatly neither joch or caitlin where there. so we went to get food and pop and chips... and search for josh at thrifties where he works however we did not suceed. went back to the house. josh came home shorty after and then we went and watch caitlin very exciting volly ball game.... 8couhgcough* .. exciting..

after that, thankfull it was over soon aftwe we got there. we all piled into james car... me james kyle josh caitlin and serina( joshes sister)... there wan;t enough room so kyle sat in the back...
then .. to the liquor store again! mmm booze..
got back home and played a huge game of fuck you.. got really drunk.. stayed up til llike 2 ish.. then got up at 7 30 the next day to drive home.

left kyle behind cuz he was going to take the bus, and james drove me home. picked u omy car and went to the build.

came home tried to read , fell asleep. kylan came and braught me chicken wings and more sleep.. i am up an dand there is work...

the end

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