Thursday, December 30, 2004

police cars need gas too

so been trying to get things figured out with jenn 2 about having a newyears shindig.. baught soem munchies today... that was my first trip to wally mart... like almost as soon as i get home. the petit dylhan comes on the computer and askes if i would like to go to the mall ... he wants to puchase soem new running shoes... fair enough i have nothign better to do .. so afew hours later and another trip to walmart.... dylan still doesn;t have any new shoes.. but we didn;t come away from the mall empty handed... no not at all .. dylan nowhas boxers that say " rub my nuts for good luck" and i found dick tacks... a festive button for ashley and a new red fuzzy colar for myselfmuhahah heheh yay. there goes 25 more $ hahah . anywho we also stoped at the food court where dylan had some crazy raspberry drink with a mood booster called " horny goat weed" .. it was intersting.. dylans , no pink ,, hair also got alot of compliments... dude that hair is pimpin( bootleger guy)... and .. ( some lady at a kiosk)oh how hansom you look with your hair that color... indeed. she wanted him i could tell ,. haha the guy at bootlegger was right,. he wasn't even out of the mall and the chicla stated hitten on him... obviousely iw as int he shadow of greatnesss... haha my day so far... sweet eh ... excelpt all together i a'm about 75$ poorer ... need to get me some of the horny goat week to boost my mood... or wait i'm sure work tonight will be super enough. hmuihahaha *twitch twictch*
anywho sooo tomorrow, hopefull yhtat is fun .. hopefully jenn ( 1 or 2 ) will be able to have people over.. i miss everyone. i need a mood booster:P hahaha. super .......... le fin

1 comment:

JB said...

Lisa!! I didn't know you had a blog! This is Jenn 2 by the way:) I'll cya tonight!!...Oh I'm not sure yet but we might be going out for dinner tonight but talk to Will cus he's the one who suggested it.
Bye bye