Tuesday, June 19, 2007


sooo i am fricken bored out of my mind. i love them but i can only watch so many movies in a row, particularially by myself. it;s fine with people but doing it alone is so no fun.
so far today i have watched two movies. done some sitting around... wasted as much time as possible on face book. read blogs. hobbled around the house. texted people, looked up laptops , looked up appartment and created a list of them. compleat with newspaper clippings.

last night was fine spencer came to visit me and he spent the night but he left early this morning which made me sad. and then i was fine, but now i'm so bored and lonely.

if you aren't busy feel free to take pitty on me and come visit. even for a short while. i have a week off work pretty much and i'd rather not spend it alone. just call my cell or stop by, or send me a text or anything.
i guess i'll watch another movie. i got nothign eles to do.
augh bored bored bored


Let Go said...

Aw Lisa... I was thinking of coming to visit you today but I wasn't sure which bus went by your place... is it the 2? Anyway, maybe I'll come on Thursday? I work until 4:15 or something.

Akiyhrah said...

I promise I will spend all day thursday with you. ^_^

déjà~raine said...

my phone is missing your number.

Nik Nak said...

If I owned a jet I'd come visit!!