Sunday, February 18, 2007

i hate mondays

hate them, with a fiery passion that burns eep within my soul. i dread them. they are just so busy for me, art class early in the morning then my over lapping classes.augh.. i just really don; want to deal with it ever. ican;t wait till this semester is over so i can like mondays again. it really up tp the events of the day weather i get through itin once piece or not. and yea i know i am being overly dramatic, but... seriously they just suck so much. it;s not just that i have to get up early for my art class it;s the class. i am sure you have all heard me bith about my teacher.. whats the point in putting efort in things, when you knwo it won;t matter. augh.

tomorrow starts the 3 weeks of madness as well. this week the crunch to finish video's, this weekend tech starts off tech week and then we open. lame lame lame.. i mena i love theatre and i love doing shows.. digital stuff so isn;t my thing. it;s good i am doing it but augh... stess. i wish i just had a nice set to paint. that would be easy.

see you all tomorrow.

p.s. i died my hair and i am unsure if i like it...
p.p.s i hate mondays...seriously .. augh... i just want to skip it... o kthats enough ...



Ky said...

i am interested to view your hair....i dislike mondays aswell...especially mondays with a mid-term....augh...summer will be nice this year

ChaoticEggplantQueen said...

Don't skip it!

seriously I keep skipping mondays and I'm starting to suffer

Akiyhrah said...

I thought your hair looked different ^__^ It's very pretty

Martha said...

I wanna see the hair? What color??

The Voodoo Doll said...

I think your hair looks pretty, Lisa. But ya.. Mondays suck a lot.