Friday, September 01, 2006

update with a side of chinese food

what up yall .. thoght i;d make a little posty posty. today i am creating... a beautiful masterpiece.. that will less that a week from now be smashed intobit spilling it;s delicious and joyfull innards...
yes i am making the piniata.or at least starting it rught now. . later on today i am going to go and movie a large chunk of spencer belongings to his fathers house.
today when i went to get my paycheck and cardboard, i was cohursed into working tomorrow. it is only 5 hours, and i will be hiding in the back so it will not be that bad... i had no ther set plans anyways

yesterday i went up to the college to do afew things... *excitement* it was nice to be back up there. then i met up michelle and ace and we drove to go meet meghan for dinner at this chinese place.. the food was great but out old lady waitress was such a bitch.. especially to michelle for no reason. like what the fun.. o well .. then we went and saw my fair lady which is on of my favorite musicals.. The female costumes where horrilbe... so mad and i didn;t like alot of the acting.. well not alot but there where some people i really didn;t like.. ha anywasy it was enojoyable.... aught you guys know the chemainus seats though.. ti;s on like a slant and they are so close together... i was very uncomfortalbe to say the least. then we went for coffee and i was tired....michelle got pulled over beuase she is a crazy driver. .jk... yea yea yea

augh ... hgmm there isn;t much intesting to say.. sunday i am going down to chemanus again to take down the my fair lady set. which was painted nicey and i did enjoy the scene changes. then the next day is school. it is so close.. it seems like i will have so much free time. just like looking at my time table there are these huge half days and i;m like wow time.. haha ... i dunno. i', sure i will find somethignto do.

i guess thats it.. 3 days. FIRST MEETING TUESDAY !@:12:30



Joe Guitar said...

I'll just make an awesome playlist on my iPod and we can play it @ the mixer. meatloaf for you!!

Ky said...

sorry to say that if your taking stuff down on sunday, the day after that is not school...cause thats a monday, and school is on tuesday. i also enjoy reading your blogs for the amazing type-o' "what the fun" and "movie a bunch of stuff"...anyways...i just find it funny yah

Queen of Hearts said...

thanks for your corrections kylan... i;ll try to keep better track of my life for you

Ky said...

i wasnt mocking....nm...sorry if i offended

VivaLaPinto said...

on a lighter note, Kylan's examples made me guffaw! Lisa, I *heart* your typos! They're totally the best!