Sunday, September 17, 2006

my rein has arrived

yes yes all bow down to me .....jk
what i really mean is.. yay it;s finally raining... i have been waiting for it.. i hate in between weather.. and if it isn;t smokin hot, it better be crisp and cold, or soggy outside...
i like misterable weather. it;s so nice to be inside all in a blanket and stuff. even if i am outside as long as i don;t have to stay out and i have a jacket it can rain all it want..

don;t you just love it when it pours?

anyways.. work today was ridiculously busy.. it;s like hey it;s raining and we can;t go outside... let go to PETSMART!!...woot*twirls finger*

the party at AKA was uber fun. hanging out with nikki and azusa was fun, walking to go get chips yay. i am saddened that the jello shooters took so long... i think mayhaps if they have alcohol they shoul dbe made like a day in advance. no worries.. kiddies... next party i will make more!!! muahaha.. crio-bears forever!!!! yes excellent
but yea... cannot wait for more party...
once i am done with the market.. so after september... there needs to be a party on a friday night becaseu then i will not have to work the next day. I hate being hung over for stuff,.. it;s fine if i can get up eat then go back to bed and sleep....
before i said i wanted to be a better partier... however i cannot beat down my responisbility. which makes me sad cuz i wish some times that i could just... do whatever, but there is alway this thing in the back of my mind( i think it;s call a consience or commmon sense or something ) says" umm yea , i'm just not sure about that right now".
i guess, i can;t help being lame.. i'll keep working on it though..

mdmdmdmdmd(<<<< thats my beat)*dances*

thats all i got



Queen of Hearts said...

first friday of october...

jordanibanez said...

I adore your beat. In fact, I'm sorry, I'm stealing your beat.

jordanibanez said...

mdmdmdmdmdmdmdmdmd *dances*

VivaLaPinto said...

you're an AWESOME partyer, silly! I mean, come on! You made jello shooters! How party-tastic is THAT???