Friday, October 17, 2008

the calm before the storm

so i just got up and while it is fresh i'm gonna try remembering my dream cuz i like all the rest of them it was uber fucked up... hmm i don't' think i will recall it all but there are parts that stick out in my mind. the main part that does : i was in a big truck with someone and we are kinda escaping from this evil dude. there is a dirt road with cut down trees all around it. we are basically 4xing through the cut down trees, but we where going super high in the air. the part that sticks out in my head most clearly is looking out the front window at the ground like 30 feet below and thinking fuck. i don't know if i was scared to crash or just scared of the hight, but either way we made it.
then another part had josh and someone else in it. the other person, looked a lot like josh and i think i was trying to explain to him the connection that i saw and josh ended up shaving his facial hair off. going back to the first part of my dream. i think it started with my walking down the same dirt road. and i had to go through this big dip that someone had constructed and there was this creepy guy. i had to go up to this other side of the hole thing and grab these shoes i guess. i dunno i remember grabbing some flip flops. come to think of it.. i this dream just goes so many places that i can't remember or think of how to describe so i am just going to quit while i am only slightly behind.

so as some of you might have seen, i have sold my soul to dark of the moon, which is our next prouction at the phoenix. i am doing flys and thus am flying people around the stage yay. i have my first rehearsal tomorrow. haha but today i don;t really have any pressing matters. just a bit of work and class. so next week i'm going to have to be at some night rehearsals, but i also have to figure out times to have my own rehearsals for my scene which is going to be a task, then i have an applied theatre project that i still have to figure out. i will put it to someone to help me figure it i think. other than that i found out yeaterday that i did not fail my last business test like i thought i did. i got 64%, which is by no means spectacular, however i did another one yesterday and felt i did much better. actually i think i dreamed that i got 90% on it. haha wouldn't that be creepy if i was true.... guess we;ll find out. haha . hm hm hm hm hm h what else is new.
i've been getting to know people better which is nice, there are quite a few people that chat with me. haha i'm excited to get into rehearsals, then i will meet more people junk.
on that same note i miss all of you back home. i had a nice talk with nathan on tuesday that really cheered me up. i was feeling kinda negative and nathan took that away. it made me think of all the times i was not myself and one of you would be there to pick me up. *lovelovelove*

anyways i think that is it for now, today i have free and possibly most of the weekend depending on wether i get called to paint or not. but i guess we will see when the storm hits.

1 comment:

déjà~raine said...

i had a dream with obama in it last night. i think we had a joke about his hair... and then i told him i wanted him to be president.