Monday, May 29, 2006

Time and space...

do you understand?
friday, saturday, sunday , monday, wednesday, friday , saturaday sunday, is not time and space.
if your claws don;t loosen i will chop your arms off to get free.. and that will hurt.

soo friday kylan and i rescued amber from dunudn dun the evil qualicum and we met up with geoff and jeremy and watched x men 3. i really enjoyed it. then i wasted and hour and a half getting a rie back to drop amber off then to kylans house to pick up my car.*twirls finger*
Then upon returning to nanaimo i save spencer from certain death, at adams... haha kinda we hung out and watch a bit of chicago. *dancey dancey*

saturday i had to work 12-7 then came home and played Dnd, i was very tired and did not understand, Lisa loses 6 wisdom from work. next day a kinda of repeat of the same thing i work 12-6 however. and then go to play Dnd getting tired now...

today i get up to work at 9. i am sick. and tired.... lisa loses 5 con. her charisma also falls 2 points....

yes i am being a huge nerd and only some of the people ( actaully quite a few) will understand. hahaha woot.. p.s i should make up a character sheet for myseld.. that would be supper nerdy..*YES!*

last night i had a weird dream...OH and this only adds to it.( i might have played to much dnd in the weekend).... bugt no there can never be enough !....anways... at one point in my dream i was like talking to nick.. and we are on this beach, near this lake. and then some how he get goes into the water and these 3 or 4 lake monsters comeout of the water. at this time nick had changed into this character from out game, a hobbit. which looked like him..b ut alot shorter... so there are these monsters comming out of the lake at me and some how i get two longswords... or somethign like taht.. and somehow i know taht hteone in my left hadn is plus 5 and the one in my right hand is plus 4...(these are some pretty hard core swords) *shrug* so anyways i think i can take these monsters, but wait.. i do;t have dual weilding.. i am not profficalnty with both hands.. so as they get closer i ffigure that will just use the plus 5 and everythign will work out... that all i remember..
yes ..Oh yes ... i know i'm kewl

hmm this could be a big post... so for the rest of the week i work tomrrow and tuesday ... friday i am going to see spencer and my other littler actors haha in their rendition of " a mid summer nights dream" i can;t wait . haha it will be wonderful ! saturday i work again then i am going to gabriola. and party/ camp it up for a night. cest tres exciting. then after that looks uncertain.. but i kinda like it that way, so many possibiblites!

oh btw last thursdays i did my fireworks coause, i can how work with big display fire workes. ahah i ever got to light one off haha it;s supper nifty!

i beleive taht is all .. good day to you all

Friday, May 26, 2006


Two Names You Go By:
1. Lisa
2. Pink

Two Parts of Your Heritage:
1. Irish
2. French

Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. painting pants
2. white tanktop

Two Things You Would Want in a Relationship:
1. happiness
2. understanding

Two of Your Favorite Hobbies:
1. painting

Two Things You Want Really Badly At The Moment:
1. for everything to be ok
2. to not be getting sick

Two pets you had/have:
1.stirfry the kewlest Cat ever
2. kenny.... my brother

Two people who will fill this out:
1. laura
2. gregoire

Two things you did last night:
1. returned homr from victoria
2. Went to bed at 8

Two Favorite Places to eat:
1. Pipers
2. A andW

Two People that live in your house:
1. dad
2. Brother

Two things you ate today:
1. honey comb
2. grammy bun sandwiches

Two people you Last Talked To:
guy at the bank
people from work

Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Working
2. playingDnd

Two things you should be doin right now:
1. rinsing dye out of my hair
2. sketching

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

success x 2

and those would be
me finally finding the cd i went all over town looking for and
be fianlly finding the DVD i had been looking for
so i got up and started working on my thing for doug, read rosses script again.. it's gonne be prety intersting. it doens;t seem like thre is alot if acting though .. but i mean.. first draft or w/e right... antways... tehre are soem really "powerful " images,. hahah anyways then i wanted to listen to the sky song .. " some kinda wonderful " ahaha and then i wanted the cd .. sooi went all over town .. even down to Aand B to try and find it... it was no where... But at my last hope i went to the used record store... and tHERE IT WAS...

Also on my travels i found the movie get over it... i really like it and had looked every where for it before..w ell almsot everyhwere... i forgot about music world and there is was they have some pretty good movies for cheap

the rest of the day , involed sketching and printint and uploading things and dumb art class.... grrr...
tomorrowi am both lookinghfarward and dreading.. i guess i actually just wish i could zoom right through to thursday. tomorrow will probaby to fucking full of drama and emotion that i will be so tired and want to go to bed early. especially since the next day i have tyo get up super early to go to do the fireworks thingy
tomorrow is my grannys funeral and then i have a meeting and then some more stuff

I wonder what the rest of my week wil be like? will it stay the same or change who knows. oh but hey where are some song lyrics from my new/old sky cd
oh.. i also dled some porcupine tree i like it

"All I want,
All I ask of you,
All I need,
Is for you to be holding me forever,
You're my superstar, "

"She said "You can call me baby if you'll let me hold
your soul, "

And if the darkness is all you see
Well then you don't know what your missing"

Monday, May 22, 2006

soo tired

I'm soo tired right now and i don't know why.. i just got up. and i wasn;t even in bed late. i have to work in 45 min. woop* twirls finger* yesterday was pretty alright. i went to work and nothing exploded it was my first day and all.. then i went and go tsoem passport picutres done cuz on thursday i am going to take a fireworks course and get my certification so i can work on site legaly with fireworks and stuff.. it is gonna be so awesome. went and hung out with spencer for the afternon/evening.... then i returned him to his job at the fireworks and i was cohursed into staying... i got to stand out on the dockwhere they light them off sot they where almost right aboved me... best fireworks show i've seen in a long time. haha very magical. haha anyways i have to take a shower and get ready for work.. more update later probably

Thursday, May 18, 2006

i am friend

today i woke up very rested... i had a wonderful sleep it was warm out so i didn't need may covers and such. wokeup went and did the grade 10 thing at school.... came homehung around until spencer came over.. i got my income tax return in the mail... woot 93$... so i decided to go buy earings.. haha so i dragged spencer to the mall on this beautiful day. hopefully he can forgive me.; ) and i baught a blue pair, and a pink pair of earings and i baught spencer and i best friend necklaces,,, i am friend and spencer is the best. because he is.
came home hung around until dinner and art class.. which was not horrible cuz we actualy got to work on our projects. now i am home and hungry ...

here is my survey

How many songs? 508

Sort by artist
First artist:2gether
Last artist:the used
Sort by song title
First Song: (-) Ions - tool
Last Song: YOW

Sort by time
Shortest Song: Introduction - panic at the disco - 36 seconds
Longest SongThe buffy musical - once more with feeling 50 :33

Sort by album
First Album: 13th step - APc
Last Album:With teeth - NIN

How many songs come up when you search for "sex" - 1
How many songs come up when you search for "death"? -15
How many songs come up when you search for "love"? - 10

wow 15 for death ... and only 10 for love... lame... hahaha o well. so tomorrow is already the weekend eh .. time flies.. ummm yea i wonder waht next week will be like.. i dunno what my shedual is yet.. it;s weird only working afew days a week.. what do you do i with the rest of your time...
i am dissapointed with myself for not being able to do certian things. i really hate taht part of me. and i know that it really is a detriment to my personality, hopefully i will be able to over come it. hahahah i should also stop saying waht is wrong with me and just act to fix waht i know is bothering me ... but i am scared.

All of you guys taht comment are wonderfull/. you say the nicest things. i find it hard to belive sometimes the opinion that you guys have of me..... it makes me feel like i super .. person .. i gues. fuck i dunno. haha we are talking about the same person right.. me.... hahaha... i guess i just know the truth.. dun dun ... i love you for it anyways.. hahaha. its makes me feel special.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

it was my first day of work today.. itw as full of walking around the store( petsmart, for those of you who don;t know) my next day is sunday... the next few days should be ok.. i will hear if i get hired at spencers gifts

today is my moms birthday, i painted her a picture of her favorite flower. a double delight rose.. i think she likes it, i'm sure she must.. she upset though because today my granny her mom passed away. it;s both her and my aunts birthday today, it must really suck for them. i am equally sad, however after seeing her yesterday i am glad that she isn;t suffering anymore. if it wasn;t for my tendency to repress emotion, i'd probably be a mess right now.

hope to see people at pipers, i could use some cheering up

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today is probably the last day i will ever see my granny alive... i dunno what to think. i have never lost anyone like that before. it;s very depressing

Monday, May 15, 2006

there it goes again that feeling i can't understand
i'm trapped in a wide open space
all directions call my name
but i cannot answer

I speak
and you hear nothing
I am
silent and you understand
paridoxical understanding revealed


Sunday, May 14, 2006

OMG funnest day ever

or at least in along time. sooo jeff and ace picekd me up at like 11 40 ish , we were heading down to do some crew work for b2b.. we thought we would be setting up a big tent but instead we moved like 80 risers and someother tings from one location toantoerh... we ended up only working for like 3ish hours but hey i still got 64$ .. not bad eh not bad.. since we only worked till like 3 30 /4 we decide that we should go for a pick nic so me jeff ace and robyn baught soem food at QF and went to little qualicum falls...but before we got there we went the wrong way and then had to back track ... 1/2 hour later we make it to our destination. we went over the fence and had out little picnic on some rocks by the falls. haha and then we were like lets hike the long way back.. but we ended up going the wrong way and went on this crazy trail which we had to back track on ... haha so over all the whole day we got lots 4 times two where smaller and unsignificant but the others set us back a bit. man just so much fun.. it was just a nice day out too.. and just movin stuff was great fun... i loved to spontanious picnic .. we would have gone climbing if robyn had had his stuff in the truck .. i love that... just hey this would be fun... robyn and jeff tell the best storries too haha they have done soem crazy shit

anyways.. past few days... kids fest that was fun. after a boring day of decorating, hanging out wiht the guys and meghan was at tidys. got to hang out with all my old friends and drink it up with them. saturday didi the market thing with kylan and went to the techie strike barbicue.. then to the wheatchef for michelles 19th birthday .. i hope she is doing ok today we gave her lots of alcohol... and tongiht after my great day i am going to a girls night at alleahs... i dunno if i will drink cuz i am thinking i wanna come home.we will see we will see

well that is all

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

it's not that i'm just sad about stuff and wanna feel happy, i need to make decisions and changes and i'm to affraid/stubourn/dumb to do it. i'm displeased with things about my life, some which i can;t do anything about but other which i am afraid of reprocusions.

today i am doing a gig, kids fest. i was very exciteda bout it before but today i couldn't give a fuck. i just want to stay in bed and sleep. i wish i could just cry and feel better

thank you for trying, but i have to fix my situation, i know what i want but i'm fighting a brick wall.(You just don't understand, i'm sorry)

p.s you are a mirror that reflects my sunshine.

Monday, May 08, 2006

When life Catches up with you.

i'm really overwhelmed right now. there are lots of different things going on and i'm trying to keep them all in perspective in the picuture, but it feels like there is too much. waiting for people to get back to me from jobs and there is just so much going on with all the people i know. so much is uncertain right now and it;s starting to strain. i wann a colapse and not deal with the world, cry till i cant anymore, hide and maybe everything will go away, even though i know it won't... i hate it when life catches up on you, i've never been very good at dealingt with it

Thursday, May 04, 2006


so today is thrusday ... how could you have knwon.. never mind.. i'm not really looking forward to today. it seems like just a big mess of things that i have to do, even though there are some really kewl things that i get to do .. well kinda.. firstly at 10 i am meeting with another manager at petsmart.. haha yea thats right..*shrug* i need a job,, anywhere !... i'll probably get one there.. well hopefully. that then at one, meeting with doug, tlaking about the "power play". probably gonna miss leons little meeting about the other play thingy..* dissapointment* which is at 1:30. then i might end up waiting around inthat end of town for my art class at 6. which is kinda bust becuase like the most time we get to work on art is the seoncd half of the class.. which means i have to listen to the teacher talk for and hour and a half.... lame.

yesterday was alright, went to petsmart and had an interview which went well. then sata rounda lld ay in the sun. now it sounds fun .. but i was so bored. i'm not used to so much time. kylan picked me up and we went to pipers. there where lots of people but yo uknow that feeling when everyone is around and you feel alone.... thats kinda how i felt. i dunno why. but for along time i just sat there listening to other people. anyways then we went to lee's and watched house and some other Tv, went to the gay bar after. sang some karioke. it was pretty ok .
i duno i was just on a bit of a downer, i burned my lips so that was no fun and i was just dissapointed. silly me for getting my hopes up. afew drinks later on the way home. i was fine.

i guess tahts all i have to say. excpet that pam is so nice and crazy for buying everyone drinks. i love her.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

new tool today , new tool today .. new tool today

yay i made a toung twister! new tool albumn out today. thats prettykewl.. yay.. i want it but i think i will wait to buy it... trying to save money... cuz i don;t have a job yet... i have some odd jobs that will be bringing in some money.. but i will have to work hard to save it.. cuz i like to spend money.. : S eep .. umm umm umm

Dentist today = lame
starting art calls today = very kewl , but its always a bit uncomfortabel for me to start somethign new. even though i will school this class... cuz it;s for like " people with some artistic ability and a genuine interest in art" andi will just school it. the only thing is. i dunno if i am suposed to brin anythign tonight. cuz yea i dunno. so i am gonna go back to the book store and see if there is anything new in that little book dealyo. ... is the book store open?
anyway.. i also gotta do soem other stuff at the college, like bring back the left over satyr players money from the campinh trip, and figure out all the student union stuff without ace, becuase he is just no help. i'll ask mike or something. and go get a enw parkina pass... hehe maybe when i am at the college i will see soem of the perspective first years :D hehehe .. cuz they are doing interviews this week.

lots of birthdays comming up and special events the require money, michelles birthday, mothers day , my mom's birthday ext. however i am doing a gig next week that will bring some money in so that sould be good.... which remeinds me i have to go to the bank..... bastart bank wanting to charge me service fees... lame...

i really think that it was interesting how everyone did those silent comment things... it just shows that when we have the abilty , there are lots of things we wanna/ are able to say.

yesterday i started chris's campaign for Dnd.. my name is Bryla... bri for short... i like it, i think it is pretty*shrug*
this is me waitsting time.. lalala .lalala. lalala. lala. *dances* lalall lalal

well thats enough of that ,see you on the flip side, :P
p.s. PIPERS TOMORROW!!!* pipers dance*

Monday, May 01, 2006

STeal ....!

this is on ambers and barbs blog if you would like to check theirs out

The deal is you're supposed to make 15 really truthful statements about people in your life, and never tell who they're about... soooo sneaky are one of the most influentail people of my life, i learn so much from you and am glad that we are alike

2. i admire your talent. you will go places because of your williness to work and the natural flair you add to every part you play.

3. i miss you sometimes, i will never forget the time we spent together though i wish i could change parts of it

4. you always noticed me and your simplest action braught joy to my life. i wish i could show you and have you belive how very wonderfull you are. if only we could have been

5. you are soooo awsome. i don;t think i can make as big an impact , as that which you have made on me, but i will try. i hope you are proud.

6. it think you are amazing and beautiful, talended and cursed. your indecision worries me, let your intuition guide you as it is the only thing you are certian of, how you feel. find words and speak what you feel, or things willl never change

7. i love your style, i am sure only you could pull it off, your so kinda nd out going, i really hope that i spend more time with you this summer, and i am sure that i will. be careful of the rest of the world, it mightnot be as kind.

8. you areso fun to work with, your genuine kindness is refreshing yet your seemingly positive veiw makes me wonder if you are just trying not to hurt anyone. i am glad i have gotten to know you better and hope that the trend continues. your awsome

9 . you need to get over the past and mature alitte, realize how others feel and control your actions. we have good times together but things will never turn out the way you want them to if something doesn't change.

10. i remember you when you where sweet and kind. and i wonder what happend. i think you ego got in the way and swallowed the best of you. you have talent but are throwing it away

11. i miss you. we had such a good thing going and then it just ended. i want us to be like that gain. i think if we try it will be. i know umwhere underneither the tough you are still you. i admire you for going through waht you have had to deal with, i wish i was there for you when you did .

12. i love your honesty. your so funy without even knowing it. so much tallent there. i love hanging around with you. and am looking forward to another good year

13. you've helped me through so much. i often dunno why you put up with all thr trouble i've given you. but your paitience show how much you really care. you make me feel special and i love how you are for me unconditionally. i hope i cheer you up and make your life better

14. you are often annoying and egotistical. you never accept other peoples abilties. i think you are loud and crude to cover your own weakensses

15. your silence amazes me. your insite into things is sometimes very humorus. i hope that when i am older i am as talented as you are and know as much. i'm glad to have gotten to know you and to work with you more.

i think this is fun. its interesting to see what you will say about people. of course it isnt; exactly what you think , but it gives a hint at it. ya knpw helps you short out how you feel about people... well thats all for now.. perhaps later i will post a bit of an update about the rest of my life.