Monday, September 27, 2004

smarter than the average bear

so i have some spare time and decided to write myslef a little shpeal , but then realize i have fogotten my sign in name.. smarter than the average bear i know, anywyas, ahahaha work really screwed me over this week, i went in today to return a chair( by the way i work at wal-mart) and check my shedual just for the heck of it, and found out that wow i have to fucking work today , i was not pleased..... my idiot boss screwed up my whole wee's shedual so it is different that the one i have, baahhh, will find new work soon , ahh on a more pleasant note i baught the new greenday cd tody , it is an excellent cd, love it love it love it, ahahah did soem work on my scrap book to , i gluded like 130 pictures bahhh soo many, but the memories will last forever hahahaha that is all for now i hope that int he future i remember my id and don;t fell like such an idiot , ahaha,

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


so laura showed me her blog and i was all like... well i want one of those. haha i enjoyed reading hers and i think it would be delightful to give others enjoyment, ahah anwyas i should be working on my french , but i got distracted easily, first i started downloading disney songs, and it went down hill from thereo well i supose that is enough for now g'day