Sunday, December 18, 2005


basically i'm sick and alone and miserable. everyone is gone, and i have the house to my self. generally i would love this. but instead i am just sad and lonley. i wish i had someone to take care of me... or anyone who seemed to care . sometimes it seens i only cause more trouble than i'm worth. it;s been along time since i felt anything close to special or appriciayed. it seems like i give so much and end up with nothing. sick and alone and miserable.
exam tomoorow at 9, jut something eles to look forward to. pulling up the seats so we can put new carpet in the theatre. hopefully i'll be feeling better so i can help. might as well be usefull. well thats it. i think i will go do nothing, in my empty house, in my sorry lonely state. sick alone and miserable

Fragile, she doesn't see her beauty, she tries to get away, some times it;s just that nothing seems worth saving.

it's just that nothing seems worth saving.


Joe Guitar said...

I care! Happy Lisa Being Alive and Wonderful Day!!!

Laura said...
