Tuesday, July 25, 2006

sooo today sucked ass

but who's keeping track. i guess technically the first part was ok.. i did some sleeping in and hung around a bit. but then work .... oh and right before heading off to work i remember that someone had egged my car so i got o clean that off my winsheild and tomorrowi wil get to clean the rest of my car becuase some kind person thought i needed an incentive. FUCKER

anyways then i get to work and find i get to be on cash for two house the someone fucked up the shedualing.. then beth was all freaking out cuz she couldn;t finish the planner on time then i had to and then i had to cover two people's breaks and take loads of garbage and carboard out.. and i was pretty much just unpleasantly stressed
it's like eveyone at work gets me to do everythign because i am compitent. and then i get grief when i don;t take extra responsibilty. it;s not that they are really getting annoyed at me.. but joking is still frusterating... like when i stay late... but finish what i am doing and want to go partrick with be like all augh.. blah blah .. your leaving an hour early... even when i have already stayed like 2 past my shedualed time... whatever.. i am soo looking forward to school then i cna have a break...

in other news i have taken a liking to the shell gasstation sluchies.... they are cheaper and better thasn 7-11's...

i guess that is all.. waht omg.... tomorrow i have a day off....*dances*... that is all.

p.s kylan is thunder cat crazy....but i wil forgive him hehehe


Ky said...

the first step is realizing i have an addiction....but i dont want to be cured its so awesome! keep your chin up lisa...only like what 4-5 week left til school...and those people wont say it...your awesome and i appreciate you...*hugs* buy yourself something like you planned...that always cheers you up! BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE *hugz*

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